HCA 13/73 f.150v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/73 |
Folio | 150 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/12/31 |
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To the second Interrogatorie hee answereth and saith that hee came
first aboard the said shipp at Amsterdam where as aforesaid shee
was built and was there finished about two yeares since, and that the voyage
in question was the first and only voyage that shee hath made, and saith hee
was constituted master by himselfe and company of owners aforesaid, this
deponent being the originall buyer as shee was upon the stocks, and taking
the rest into partnershipp, and saith that this deponent being both master
and an owner, was to serve in the said shipp the said voyage in person as
commander as was contracted in the said affreightment, and saith the said goods were consigned
to be disposed by the said John Mollar, or in case of his absence or death by
this deponent, and upon sale and truck were delivered to severall persons
at Santa Domingo, Spaniards with whom they dealt, and of whom they bought
the said homewards lading.
To the third hee saith that the said shipp went directly from Amsterdam to
Santa Cruse, thence to Trinidad thence to Comana, thence to Santa Domingo, thence retourned
to Santa Cruse, and thence went to the Roade of Gibraltar as aforesaid,
and was at noe other port before the said seizure, and that at Santa Cruse
shee delivered out a parcell of deales as aforesaid amounting in number to about
five thousand[?s], and tooke in thirtie pipes of wine or therabouts (as retourne of the same)
and some oile, and some peece goods were there alsoe delivered that were
laded at Amsterdam by and for account of adventures of particular
marchants of Amsterdam trhatr were none of the said van hultens company
nor concerned in the generall cargo, and this deponent received the freight
of the said particular adventures at Santa Cruse of the Holland Consul
and others to whom the said particular adventures were sent and delivered,
the said freight amounting to eightie peeces of eight or thereabouts, and
received all of hollanders, but for the generall freight of the cargazon hee
saith the same was payable every eight monethes at Amsterdam according
to Charter partie. And otherwise referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition
and saving the same cannot further answer.
To the fourth hee saith the said pipes of wine soe taken in at Santa Cruse
(being thirtie two or thereabouts) were alsoe sold at Santa Domingo,
where all the said homewards cargo was taken in, and was all bought
of Spaniards there and thereabouts resident, by the said Mollar and Mexia,
and for the rest hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition, where hee hath
fully satisfied the same.
To the fifth hee saith that [?harter] Petersson, Gilbert Schouten. Nicholas
Bleau helme, Martin ffromson, Gerret da Jagar, [?RXy?ar] da Bark[?er]
and William Momma all of Amsterdam were and are the persons who with
this deponent and the former three persons of hamborow were and are
the sole owners of the said shipp, and by whose authoritie this deponent
had command of her, and that this deponent was sole commander of
her all the said voyage, and that John Mexia da herera had not at any
time any comand of her, but was only assistant to the said Mollar
and the affaire of her merchandizing. And otherwise hee cannot answer
not knowing what instructions were given or in what language written.
To the sixth hee saith that the said shipp in her said retourne from Santa
Cruse comming into the Streights mouth as shee was going to the Bay
of Gibraltar met with a ffrench fleete of Newfound land men, upon
whose approach there were some papers cast over board out of the Santa
Maria by order of the said Mollar, butwhat they were or the contents
thereof hee knoweth not, and saving them hee knoweth not of any
[whatsoever GUTTER]