HCA 13/73 f.150r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/73 |
Folio | 150 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/12/31 |
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To the one and fourtieth article hee saith and deposeth That the said shipp
the Saint Mary at the time of such her departure from Amsterdam upon
the said voyage, carried out thense in her seaven and thirtie men and boyes
all who hee saith were dutch and Easterlings, subiects of Princes and States in Amitie
with this Commonwealth, videlicet three and thirtie men and foure boyes, but how
many of them particularly were hollanders subiects of the States of the United
Provinces hee doth not now remember. And further hee cannot depose.
To the two and fourtieth article hee saith and deposeth that the said John
Mollar paid for the said Spaniards (who were soe taken in and left at Santa Cruse)
their wages for their service in the said shipp, with the money of the said
Imployers of the said shipp, this deponent seeing them soe paid. And further
hee cannot depose.
Examined upon an allegation given in the cause of the Lorde
Protector against the said van hulten and others. [INDENTED TO RIGHT]
To the first article of the said allegation hee deposeth and saith that
the said shipp the Santa Maria was soe brought into Tholon on a satturday
inb the evening, and that on the monday next following Captaine Stoakes
sent for this deponent ashore, and commanded him and all his company to
leave and depart from the said shipp, saying hee tooke her and her lading
into his custodie, and forth with by his order the Lieutenant of the ffairfax
and some others of his company being aboard the Santa Mary commanded
and turned all this deponents company ouyt of her ashore, and would not
suffer them to come againe aboard and looke after or to the said shipp
and lading, although this deponent besought him the said Captaine Stokes
to that purpose, and would not soe much as suffer this deponents Purser
to stay or come aboard to looke after the goods, but the same with the
shipp were fully taken into the custodie and disposall of the said Captaine
Stoakes and such as hee imployed, by whom the tobacco was sold or
made away, and many of the hides, without this deponent or any of his
companie being suffered to sea the disposall thereof, and that
they alsoe disposed or made away silver, hides, cacoa, and other goods of
this deponents particularly belonging to him, which were not any part of
the foresaid goods of the Imployers of the said shipp. And further deposeth not.
To the second article hee saith that the said Captaine Stoakes going afterwards
to sea with the Squadron whereof hee was Admirall, left the said shipp and
such goods as were by him and such as gee imployed undisposed of, in the possession
or at the disposall of one mr John Aldworth, the English Consul there,
who having such possession, sold and disposed (,as hee himselfe confessed
to this deponent) above a thousand of the said shipp hides,
and of this deponents sight tooke and disposed foure
iron guns (belonging to the said shipp) carrying each bullets of eight pounds
weight, with the carriages thereto belonging. And further hee cannot
depose, saving many of the shipps sailes, tackle, cordage, muskets, powder,
bullets, pistols, swords and other appurtenances were and are alsoe taken
away and embeazald since such her bringing into Thulon, and her shallop
alsoe embeazald or taken away and a new cable of fourteene inches about
cut in peeces, and a cable two taken away.
To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith that hee never knew the said John Mexia da herera
before such his embarking at Amsterdam upon the shipps proceeding thense as
aforesaid on the said voyage, which was on or about the nineteenth (new
stile) of June 1657, and saith the said Mexia is a Spaniard
and subiect (as this deponent taketh it) of the king of Spaine, borne at Toledo
and a batchelour, but saith this examinate hath seene a burger brief, whereby it
appeared that the said Mexia was a burger of Amsterdam, and further hee cannot