HCA 13/72 f.574r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.574r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and thereupon the said shipp the Geruoonde Liefde did first lay the
said shipp Frederick on board crosse the halse or [?steinme] and the
said Admirall shipp the Avenhooun layd the said shipp Frederick on
board on the quarter, and so being both on board entred there upon in [?great]
number and by fource of armes, and cutting downe her great yards, and
the sailor from the yards did in that manner take possession of her, and
some of the said [?seizure] then [?loue] down the English flagg then flowing at
the maine topmaste head of the said shipp Frederick; all which the [preXX] [fXXX]
[] done about fower or five miles from Bantam, and in the full
sight and [?bidew] of the Bantam [something is abbreviated here but I don't know what] and that the said Dutch seizure did also
this deponent in [Donsrieure] beleeveth, use the said indignities to the said
shipp Frederick, exppressely and purposely to render the English
contemptible and of a low esteeme in the eyes of the Bantam and of
other Indians there residing and negotiating, and thereby to advance
their designe of the ingr[o/e]ssing of thhe said pipper [?pepper] trade. And this
as aforesaid, and the Dutch souldiers and seamen being at [differenX/XX]
about dividing of the same, this deponent called unto the said Dutch
Commander de Keyser, sayeing: "pray take notice, That this flagg
is not any flagg nor the flagg of any private Companie, nor the
flagg of any present imployers, but the flagg of the English nation,
and therefore you must [?epport] to render a good accompt of this great
abuse or affront", or used woords to that or the like effect, whereupon the
said Commander called unto the said soulders and [????] and
commanded them to deliver the said flagg to this deponent and further sayeing
if he would he might putt it up againe or to the effect, whereunto
this deponent answered that he hoped not to live that day, that the English
flagg should be dishonourably pulled downe by the Dutch, and wonne
again by their permission or to that effect, and therewithall this deponent
did in the sight of the said Commander throw the said flagg
into the sea, it being before torne and spoyled. And this
epiaate further saith, That the said Dutch Commander and Companie
of the said Dutch seizous did presently after make the said shipp the
Frederick fast with a great iron Chaine into the sterne of the said
Admirall shipp in order to the towing of her disgracefully to Batavia
in sight of the Bantam and other Indians as aforesaid and accordingly
they [fiXXd] her sailes againe, and sailed her after the said Admirall
to Bataiva, and in the meane [XiXe] of their fitting the said shipp to
saile to Batavia as aforesaid, The Commander and Captaines and
Merchants of the said Dutch fleet held a Consultation on board the
said Admirall shipp, which being ended they manned their boates full
of men who with drawne swordes came on board the said shipp Frederick
with some of their Captaines and Merchants, who tould the deponent that
he must goe on board the saidd Admirall shipp to speake with the