HCA 13/72 f.573v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.573v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the said boates or some of them in such their passage to or from
Bantam, if they had soe pleased but did not actually disturb or
annoy them as it was then and there generally observed. And
further to this [?abb. of interrogatory] hee cannot depose.

To the 23th and 24th [?abb. of interrogatory] he saieth, That the said shipp the Frederick
having taken in her said lading in Bantam roade, did therewith
come out from theureupon the twentieth day of October 1657 and
being under saile in order to her returne for Europe with her said
lading, the said shipp and her lading and goods and provisions
on board her were by force and violence seized and taken by
the said Dutch fleet then consisting of six shipps to witt the
Avenhoun of Hoorne being then the Admirall shipp whereof one
de Keiser was commander and then Admirall of the said fleete.
The Hooft of Zeeland, the shipp Conyne & the shipp Boshlion
being two English shipps lately taken from the English, the
Geroonde Liefde, and a small flyeboate whose name he knoweth
not neither the names of any of the Commanders of the said
last mentioned shipps, all which shipps then were in the
immediate service of the said Dutch East India Companie as the
Commanders and Companies thereof did generally acknowledge
and affirme and did by like force and violence carry the said
shipp Frederick together with her said lading and provisions to
Batavia aforesaid where the same was and were confiscated
by the Dutch Court of Admiraltie in that place and thereby he
this deponent and Companie were spoyled of the possession of the
said shipp and goods and provisions aforesaid and there this
deponent was imprisoned togeather withe the said Robert Skinner
formerly a prisoner there. And this [epaiace] further saieth that
immediately after this deponent and Company at the time aforesaid
did sett saile with his said shipp Frederick and in order to his
said intended voiage, the said Dutch fleet then riding neere into him
did also all of them waigh anchor and sett sayle, and forthwith came
[?up] with the said shipp, and calling to this deponent in Dutch told him
that he must goe to their Admirall, which then was directly in
the way of this deponents passage, and whom he could not well avoyd
whereupon this deponent steering his Course came up with the said
Dutch Admiralls shipp, the rest of the said Dutch shipps then
sayling by the ffredeuir on either side, and this deponent being so
came up, the said Commander or his [?Captainie] called to this deponent
in Dutch, saying he must come on board his shipp
witt the said Dutch Admirall, whereunto this deponent replyed that
he must not goe out of his said shipp, and thereupon the said
Admirall or his Captaine saied that he would presently be on
board this deponents said shipp, or to that effect, and there []
presently fired severall peeces of Ordnance, with sharp at this
deponents said shipp, as also did the whole Dutch fleet aforesaid
