HCA 13/72 f.508A Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.508r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 4th article of the said Allegation, hee sayeth That all the
said sugars Tobaccoes and Brazeele wood in his deposition to
the next precedent article mentioned and which were so putt and
Laden in and on board the said shipp as aforesaid did growe
and were made in fernambuco and other parts thereabouts
in other parts of the Brazeele, which said place of ffernambuco
and all other parts and places wherein the said sugars Tobacco
and Brazeele wood did growe and were made att the time of
the growing and making of the said sugars wood and Tobacco
and for sometime before and since and at the time of the Lading
and putting of the same on board the said shipp were and are in
the dominions and Territories and in the subjection to and
obsedience of the said king of Portugall, and that the peoples
inhabiting the same places were and are all subjects of the said
king and of the Crowne of Portugall, and for and as such
commonly accompted reputed and taken, which this deponent declareth
and affirmeth to be publique and notorious of his this deponents
personall observation and certaine knowledge and experience aforesaid
Anmd further to this article he deposeth not/

To the 5th article hee saieth, That the said ffrancisco dias
fferreria Bento Brabo, Antonio do Alpoin John da Zerres
and Jeronimo Rodrigues Marques and other persons the factors of
the said Brazeele Companie by whom the said lading of sugars
and Brazeele wood and Tobaccoes aforesaid was putt on board the
said shipp in the yeares of our Lord 1657: arlate and in the
moneths thereon respectively concurring and especially at and
about the time of the Lading up of the said sugar and Brazeele wood=
and Tobaccoes aboard the said shipp as aforesaid, and for some
yeares and moneths before did and doe live and reside at
ffernambuco aforesaid or some other part or place thereabouts in
the dominions of the king of Portugall, and were and are
Subjects , and every one of them was and is a Subject of the king
of Portugall and for and as such, of this deponents certaine knowledge
by meanes of his dealing and converse with them and divers other
Merchants of those parts well knowne and generally reputed and taken. And more
to this article hee deposeth not./

To the sixth Article of the said Allegation hee saieth, That the said
sugars Tobacco and Brazeele wood soe Laden and putt on
board the same for the accompt of the said Brazeele Companie
and others the Subjects of the said king of Portugall, and the

HCA 13/72 f.508A Annotate