HCA 13/72 f.506r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.506r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


quantity whereof this deponent knoweth not) to be carried and
transported in the said shipp from thence to Lisbone aforesaid and there
to be unladed out of the said shipp, And further to this Article
he deposeth not./

To the fowerth hee saieth, That the said Cargaison of sugars
soe laden and putt on board the said shipp the ffortune as
aforesaid were and are of the groweth of the Bahia aforesaid
and of other parts and places of the Brazeele, all which parts
and places at the time of the lading of the said sugars were and still
are in the dominions and Territories of the said king of Portugall
and are in subjection and obedience unto the said king, And that
the people inhabiting and residing in those parts and places
were and are all Subjects of the Crowne of Portugall and
for and as such publiquely and generally knowne and reputed
as this deponent well knoweth by meanes of his relation to and
acquaintance with those parts places and people in the quality
aforesaid. And further to this article hee deposeth not/

To the fifth Article hee saieth, That it is also publique and
notorious, That the said John Antunes Viana Manoel
Dios Caminha. Manoel Perera Rames, Manoel da Souza
and others the ffactors of the said Brazeele Companie by
whom the said lading of sugars was putt on board the said
shipp in the yeare of our Lord 1657. aforesaid, and in the
moneths therein respectively concurring and particularly at and
about the time of the lading of the said Cargaison of sugars
and for some time before did and doe live and reside at the
Bahia aforesaid or some other parts thereabouts in the
Dominions of the said king, and were and are all and every
of them Subjects of the said Crowne of Portugall, And for and
as such commonly accompted reputed and taken in those parts and
places, as this deponent by his Conversation with Merchants and
ffactors of the said parts of Brazeele hath constantly and most
credibly beene informed. And further to this article hee deposeth

To the sixth hee saieth, That this deponent verily and in Conscience
beleeveth and is fully convinced by reason of his relation to and
experience in the trade aforesaid, and by his goeing in Company
with the said shipp ffortune in and upon the Voiage aforesaid, That
the said Cargaison of sugars was really and effectually laden
and putt on board the said shipp at the time and place aforesaid
for the accompt of the said Brazeele Company and for the