HCA 13/72 f.463r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.463r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


from Campechia in a spanish shipp called tha Ravan Wes[?bis] in
Companie with the said shipp Saint John as farr as the Coast of
florida where they parted, and afterwards this rendent arrived at
Garachica aforesaid, and was there informed that the said shipp
the Saint John was arrived at Santa Cruce in the same Island, and that
the said Logwood was to remaine to a dutch Skipper which was on board
the said shipp and that for the payment of the fraight for the said shipps
voiage. And further to this Interrogatorie he cannot depose.

To the 7th he saieth, That there was as a foresaid a dutch skipper
on board the said shipp the Saint John at Campechia the time aforesaid
who was subordinate to the said Spanish Master domingo during
the time of the said voiage, which being accomplished, he was to have the
full Command of the said shipp, as this deponent was informed, And
further he cannot depose./

To the eighth he saieth, he cannot further depose to this Interrogatorie
then that which he hath answered to the sixth Interrogatorie to which
he referreth himselfe./

To the nyneth Interrogatorie he saieth he doeth not at all know nor
hath heard of the shipp the Love of Amsterdam interrate whereof
Garrat Grabb is said to be Master nor of her being at santa
Cruce or having any goods from on board the said shipp the Saint
John. Nor can he any thing otherwise depose to this Interrogatorie/

Repeated before doctor Godolphin./

the marke of
John + hebling [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The 8th of November 1658.

Warren against Watson and how)
ffrancklin. Smith. Suckley.)

Examined upon an allegation made in the Acts on
behalfe of watson and howe.


Simon Messinger of Shadwell in the County
of Middlesex Cooper aged 40 yeeres or thereabouts
sworne and Examined.

To the said Allegation he saith and deposeth that tonnage of Virginia
hogsheads of tobacco is bigger than any other tonnage of wine or otherwise
English or Spanish, and that three Virginia hogsheads of tobacco take up
rather more than lesse aboard a shipp then a tonne of any sort of wines or other
ordinary goods, and soe they doe commonly amount and make up,
which hee knoweth for that hee is a Cooper by trade, and
hath used to goe to sea and frequent merchants warehouses and take notice
of Virginia hogsheads of tobacco, having used the said trade as a master
Cooper for twelve yeares last or more, And otherwise hee
cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first negatively, saying hee was not in the voyage nor knoweth
ought thereof.

To the second and third hee saith that Virginia hogsheads of tobacco are not usually all
of a bignes, but commonly of that bulke and bignes, that three of them take up
as much tonnage in a shipp as a tonne of any sort of wine, and otherwise hee cannot
answer saving as aforesaid

Simon Messenger [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]