HCA 13/72 f.462v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.462v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 29th day of August 1658: Examined
upon the said Interrogatories./



John Hebling of Sluce in fflanders Mariner aged
19. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnesse produced
sworne and examined saieth as followeth to witt

To the first Interrogatorie hee saieth, That he this examinate
was lately to witt about fower moneths since at Campechia
in the West Indies, and did there see the Vessell the kate
interrate whereof one Captaine Valence had beene Commander.
but this deponents did not at any time serve on board the same, And further
to this Interrogatorie he cannot depose.

To the second he saieth, That hee this rendent did know and was
twice or thrice on board a shipp called the Saint John interrate at Campechia
aforesaid, which shipp, as this examinate was there informed had seized
and taken the shipp the kate interrate; and that by Vertue of
a spanish Commission, and that she belonged to Amsterdam, as severall
Dutch men then on board the said shipp said and affirmed to this
examinate, and that the said shipp Saint John did bring up the said shipp
the kate as Prize to Campechia aforesaid, Which is all that
this deponent can, as he saieth, depose to this Interrogatorie

To the third Interrogatorie he saieth, That he this examinate was not
any time taken prisoner by the said shipp the Saint John, nor knoweth
when shee tooke the Prizes interrate, but saieth that at such
time as this deponent was on board the said shipp the Saint John as
aforesaid, he did then and there observe, that her lading consisted
of Logwood and Cuchineele, And further to this Interrogatorie he
saieth he cannot depose./

To the fowerth hee saieth, That during such time as this deponent
continued at Campechia aforesaid, he there observed and was
credibly informed, that the said shipp the Saint John was there
fraighted by a Spanish Merchant upon a voiage from Campechia
to Santa Cruse in the Canarie Islands with the said Logwood and
Cuchineele where she afterwards arrived, as this rendent was
credibly informed at Garachico in the Island of Teneriffe, and that the
lading of logwood and Cuchineele did belong to the said Spanish
Merchant, as this deponent was credibly informed by severall of the
said shipps Company that were dutchmen as aforesaid. And
further to this Interrogatorie he cannot depose./

To the fifth he saieth, That he this rendent hath by like relation credibly
heard at Campechia aforesaid, That the Commander, of the
said shipp by name domingo, and the said Merchant freighters
and Officers of the said shipp were Spaniards save onely her
Gunner which was a dutchman. And further to this
Interrogatorie he cannot depose

To the sixth Interrogatorie he saieth, That he this rendent came