HCA 13/72 f.295v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.295v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


that the sayd Jones his first wife (who is longe since dead) was his this
deponents Cozen German once removed, And further to this Interrogatorie
hee cannot answere./

To the 3 hee saith hee was not in the voyage in question and therefore
cannot answere to this Interrogatorie/

To the 4th hee cannot answere for the reason aforesayd as alsoe for
that hee is not acquainted with Co[X]d hildermans handwriteing

To the 5th and 6th by reason hee was not in the voyage in question hee cannot answere therto./

Repeated before doctor Godolphin/



The 18th day of May 1658/

The Brazeele company and others all subiects of)
the King of Portugall against a certayne shipp)
called the Nostra Seniora do Rosario Saint)
Gonsaluo (whereof is Master Nicholas Symons)
and the tackle apparrell and furniture of the)
same, and against the sugars and all other the)
goods remayning aboard the sayd shipp in)
whose hands soever and agsinst all persons)
in generall ffrancklin)

Examined on an allegation given in on
the behalfe of John Martines Cas[?rad]o
of Lisbone, for pperpetuall remembrance of
the matter./

Rp. j

Antonio da Apo[X]ni da Souza
Native of ffarnambuck in Brazeela
aged twenty five yeares or thereabouts
a wittnesse sworne etcetera and examined
saith as followeth videlicet

To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that in the yeare
one thousand sixe hundred fifty five the arlate shipp the Nostra
Signiora de Rosario Saint Gonsalvo was by order and at the Cost
and for the Accompt of the arlate John Martines Cas[?c]ales
built at ffarnambuco arlate, and from such her building the sayd
John Martines Casacles was and soe still is the true and lawfull
Owner and Proprietor of the sayd shipp and of her tackle and
furniture, this hee the better knoweth for that hee sawe the
building of her there and knoweth she was built by the sayd John
Martines Cascales Order and afterwards sett out to sea by him
in the monethe of September one thousand six hundred fifty seaven
to goe upon a voyage from Brazeele to Lisbone in Portugall
and the arlate Nicholas Simons by the sayd Cascales order
made Master of her who did accordingly goe thence Master of
her, this deponent comeing thence a passenger in the sayd shipp
and being well acquainted with the sayd Cascales the Owner
of the sayd shipp And further to those articles hee cannot depose

To the 3 and 4th articles hee saith that the sayd shipp the Nostra
Seniora de Rosario is in this deponents Judgment of the
burthen of one hundred and sixty tonnes or thereabouts And