HCA 13/72 f.25v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.25v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


They are in hope to have restitution upon the fflemings for it,
I hope you have gotten ensurance upon her. It were
a greate pitie the Zebulon should fall into their hands, as in and
by the said lettere is alsoe to be seene, which hee hath nowe alsoe with him
and is readie to produce upon any further occasion, and well knoweth
(as hee saith) that the said two letters were and are of the proper hand
writing of the said Constant Silvester for that hee this deponent
being here his correspondant hath received about very many letteres
from him of the same hand, dated at the Barbadas, and this
deponent hath seene him write both there and here, and thereby
knoweth that to be his character and manner of hand. And
saith hee this exáminate is alsoe correspondent of the arlate
henry Colleton and hath bin informed that hee had also an eighth
part in the said shipp and Negroes, and saith the said Constant and
henry were and are English men and subiects of this Commonwealth
and for such commonly accounted, and the rest of the owners of the
said shipp and Negroes are alsoe accounted English men
and subiects of the Commonwealth of England, And otherwise
hee cannot depose.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin

Ceste: Sijlvester [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The sixth of May 1657.

Exámined upon the said allegation.


Thomas Middleton of Poplar in the parish
of Stepney and county of Middlesex Esquire
aged 48 yeeres or thereabouts, sworne and
exámined as aforesaid.

To the first, second, third 4. 5. 6. and 7th árticles of the
said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth thae
allegate Constant Silvester and henry Colleton, and all or the most
of their company, and saith that they the time arlate were and at
this present are and ought to be owners and proprietors of the
shipp the ffortune arlate (George Paris Master) and of her tackle
and furniture and for such commonly accounted, which hee knoweth
for that hee this exáminate was and is correspondent of and
with the said harry Colleton (who lives at the Barbadas about
a yeere since that hee and the said company had set out the said shipp
from thense for the coast of Guiney to take in Negroes and merchandize
to be brought to the Barbada's for their account, and desired this
deponent here to make Assurance upon her, but this deponent then


Primary sources



PROB 11/340/502 Will of Thomas Middleton of London. 16 December 1672