HCA 13/72 f.25r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.25r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


dutch seamen (whose language hee well understand having lived tenn
yeeres in that citie) and in discourse about Ivory, which this deponent
being a Turner, said hee hoped would shortly be plentifull and cheape or to that
effect, one of them made answer noe, hee know the
contrary of that, for there were two shipps fitted in holland, which were
to goe thense to the king of Spaines dominions (and named the place which this
deponent hath forgot) where hee said the commanders
or cheife of the said shipps were to enter them selves Burgers, and take
Spanish Commissions, and soe to goe thense to the Coast of Guiney
to take what English shipps they could meet withall, and to his remembrance
it was then said that one of the owners of the said shipps lived in Zealand
And otherwise hee cannot depose,/

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.

John fenner [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The second of May 1657.

Exámined upon the foresaid allegation.

dt. 2.

Peter Silvester of London Merchant, aged 27 yeeres or
thereabouts sworne and exámined.

To the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh árticles
of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth the
producents Constant Silvester, ánd henry Colleton, and saith that they and company were
the time arlate and are ought to be by common repute and estimation
owners of the shipp the ffortune arlate of which George Paris was commander
and of the Negroes and Merchandizes allegate, and soe hee verily beleeveth
them to be, for hee saith that hee this exáminate being correspondent
of the said Constant Silvester who liveth at the Barbada's, received
a lettere from him on the fourteenth of ffebruary last, dated at Barbada's
the nineteenth of November last, wherein hee thus writeth, I have
an eighth part in a Guiney shipp of ninetie tonnes or thereabouts
which went from hense on the nineth of ffebruary last, shee hath sixe guns
and two Musketeres, two and twenty men and boyes, named the ffortune
whereof is master George Paris, shee hath taken in upward of two hundred
Negroes at her part, and is well as farr as any one knoweth, but
hearing a flying report there are two or three dutch men upon the coast
that have Spanish Commissions, I would have you if possible to get
250 li sterling assured upon her, And by the said lettere which this deponent
nowe showeth and is readie againe to produce is to be seene. ffurther
that on the eleaventh of ffebruary last hee received another letter from the
said Constant Silvester dated at the Barbadas the 22th of december
last whereby hee adviseth this deponent in theise words (touching the said
shipp) The vessell, George Paris, whereof I writ you in my former
is taken by the two Roguish dutchmen. hee had two hundred [?brave]
Negroes, whereof an eighth part was in one, and of the shipp alsoe.
They have taken three other shipps alsoe, whereof the Commander
came home in this shipp. Speake with them about the whole business-



Henry Colleton

[1657] 21 April. John Heaman gent of Limehouse, Stepney, nominates Eward Pye of Barbados, merchant, and Henry Colleton Esq living at Mount Plantation, Barbados, as his attornies. (MCD 7.)"[1]

[1660] 13 October. Mr. Hugh Sowdon of London, merchant, appoint Captain Peter Colleton, Captain Samuel Rollstone and Mr. Thomas Colleton of Barbados, merchant, as his attornie. (MC 10)."[2]

Constant Silvester

[1656] 20 March. Mary Fenn, relict of Robert Fenn of Wapping, Middleez, mariner deceased, and Thomas Bell of London, merchant, executor of the will of the said Robert Fenn, appoints Constant Silvester and James Richar..."[3]

"[1656] Thursday, the 27th of November, 1656.

Lawrence's, &c. Nat.

An Act for Naturalizing William Lawrence, Martha Lawrence, Theodora Lawrence, Stephen Tracy, Nathaniel Tracy, Abraham Stock, John Kirk, Mary Kirk, Richard Bogan, Peter Silvester, Constant Silvester, Gidon Harvey, Jacob Lowrvan Slodt, Theodore Haak and Elizabeth his Wife, and Katherine Genne her Daughter, Francis Pardini, and John Pardini, was this Day read the Third time:

And the Question being put, That the Name of Francis Pardini, do stand in the Bill;

It passed in the Negative.

The Question being put, That the Name of John Pardini do stand in the Bill;

It passed in the Negative.

Resolved, That these Words, in the * Line of the Bill; viz. "and Daughter;" be put out.

And the said Bill, so amended, being put to the Question, passed.

Ordered, That his Highness' Consent be desired to this Bill."[4]

[1658] 19 October. Certificate that William Trattle, administrator of William Trattle of Barbados, widower deceased, and uncle and guardian of hi orphan chilren Ann, Ralph, katherine and William Trattle, has appointed as attornie Thomas Wardall, Contant Silvester an Thomas Baldrick, merchant [of Barbados]. (MC 8)."[5]

[1667] "March 5-8. 1437. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. Names of members returned this day to the Assembly : Col. Rich. Bayley, Lt.-Col. Wm. Yeamans, Ralph Fretwell, Capt. John Gibbs, John Holder, Edward Binny, Jas. Walwyn, Rich. Evans, Hump. Hooke, John Davis, Rich. Hawkins, Wm. Bate, Capt. John Turner, John Jennings, Constant Silvester, Henry Odiarne, John Frere, Maj. Nath. Kingsland, Lieut.-Col. Symon Lambert, Maj. Sam. Tydcombe, Henry Sweet, and Henry Walrond, who was chosen Speaker, and Henry Arundell, Clerk."[6]

[1671] "Constant Silvester will, dated April 7, 1671, is abstracted in Barbados Records, Wills and Administrations, 1639-1680, ed. Sanders, 324 Silvester has been a confusing figure for historians because of his mixed English and Dutch connections..."[7]

- "CONSTANT SILVESTER. "The last will and Testament of Constant Silvester, of Shelter Island." I doe giveand bequeth to my well beloved brother, Peter Silvester, and to my nephew, Brinley Silvester, the son of my brother, Nathaniel Silvester, all my lands, houses, and meadows upon Shelter Island, with all the appurtenances. To be thus divided,viz. Peter Silvester is to have the farm which I now dwell upon, with all the buildings, and so with that to make up one halfmy land. And my cousin (nephew) Brinley Silvester to have that farm upon which Jacques the Frenchman is now settling,with all the houses, etc., and so with that to make up one half of my land, upon Shelter Island. And the line between the saidfarms shall be equally distant from each house, as they now stand, and to run straight from the west side fronting towardsSouthold, eastward half a mile, and then to vary so as to make an equal division of all the land. Only respect to be had as toquality as well as quantity. And as for my other land which I have, viz., 6 acres on Block Island, and my interest in reversionupon Robins Island, and one lot of Commonage in Southold, with my movable estate, I give the whole to my 5 sisters,Patience, Elizabeth, Mary, Ann, and Mercy, viz., one quarter to my two married sisters, Patience and Mary, and the otherthree quarters to my three unmarried sisters. My brother Peter Silvester, in consideration of my gift, shall pay yearly to my sister Elizabeth, so long as she lives unmarried the sum of €3. If he refuse to do so, then the land is left to my cousin(nephew) Nathaniel, son of my brother Nathaniel Silvester. Makes his brothers Nathaniel and Peter executors."[8]

Nathaniel Silvester

"Page 395.--NATHANIEL SILVESTER, Shelter Island. "Whereas I am the true owner of one half of all that Island, whereon I now dwell, formerly called Manhanseck Ahequaskeomack, and now Shelter Island, and one half of the joint stock, negroes, etc., and also one half of another island called Robins island. I hereby bequeath to my wife Grizell Silvester, Francis Brinly, James Floyd, Isaac Arnold, Lewis Morris and Daniel Gould, the said one half of the island. Also the other half or such parts as may be due me from my brother Constant Silvester and Thomas Middleton, by reason of the great disbursements made by me, and by reason of the confiscation of one half the island by the Dutch man of War, and the bill of sale given to me.

The said Commander sending one of his men of War to Shelter Island, where the Captain landed, with about fifty soldiers, taking possession of the one half claimed by Constant Silvester and Thomas Middleton. And to strike the greater dread in my family, they beset my house, the better to obtain the money, which they forced from me and my wife.

The same is given in trust for the benefit of his wife during life, to enjoy the dwelling house with the gardens, etc., and about 40 acres of land bounded with the creek on the west, north by a gully and spring of meadow. Also o100 yearly as settled upon her by a deed, left in the hands of my brother Wm. Coddington of Rhode Island. She is to take care of the children and they are to be dutifull to her. Leaves the Planting field behind the orchard, 40 acres, and the Planting field called Mananduck, 25 acres, "to all my sons." Rest is left to his son Giles Silvester. Makes arrangement that his brother Joshua Silvester shall be properly maintained. Legacies to son Nathaniel, daughters Patience, Elizabeth, Ann, Mercy, and son Benjamin. To son Peter land at Tom's Creek and mill. To son Giles all land at Plum Gut. To sons Nathaniel and Silvester "my 3 shares of land in the new country near New Jersey to the westward." To sons Constant and Benjamin the land and orchard which I have at Southold, and my land on Block Island, Makes wife Grizell, brother-in-law Francis Brinly, son-in-law James Floyd, my cousin Isaac Arnold, Lewis Morris and Daniel Gould executors."[9]

Peter Silvester


Primary sources



POSSIBLE MATCHED RECORD PROB 11/273/208 Will of Peter Silvester, Merchant of Saint James Dukes Place, City of London. 11 February 1658

PROB 11/324/372 Will of Sir John Colleton of Saint Martin in the Field. 08 July 1667

PROB 11/402/115 Will of George Parris or Parish, Mariner belonging to Their Majesty's Hired Ship Sampson of Saint Mary Overs Southwark, Surrey. 11 November 1690

PROB 11/419/439 Will of Sir Peter Colleton of Saint James, Middlesex. 24 April 1694

PRO 30/24/48/54 Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury and successors: Papers. IX Letters and papers relating to Carolina and the first settlement on Ashley River. Tho. Colleton to the Governor and Council of Albemarle Point, in Ashley River, from Barbados. 26 December 1670

PRO 30/24/48/90 Sir Peter Colleton from Barbados to John Locke, at Little Exeter House, Strand. "I had projects of taking Carolina in our way, and visiting of you there." 1673 May 28
  1. Jump up Peter Wilson Coldham, The Complete Book of Emigrants: 1607-1660 (XXXX, 1987), p.346
  2. Jump up Peter Wilson Coldham, The Complete Book of Emigrants: 1607-1660 (XXXX, 1987), p.474
  3. Jump up Peter Wilson Coldham, The Complete Book of Emigrants: 1607-1660 (XXXX, 1987),p.314
  4. Jump up 'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 27 November 1656', Journal of the House of Commons: volume 7: 1651-1660 (1802), pp. 459-460, viewed 04/12/13
  5. Jump up Peter Wilson Coldham, The Complete Book of Emigrants: 1607-1660 (XXXX, 1987),p.399
  6. Jump up W. Noel Sainsbury (editor), 'America and West Indies: March 1667', Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies, Volume 5: 1661-1668 (1880), pp. 451-459, viewed 04/12/13
  7. Jump up Christian J. Koot, Empire at the Periphery: British Colonists, Anglo-Dutch Trade, and the Development of the British Atlantic, 1621-1713 (New York, 2011), FN.56, p.249
  8. Jump up 'Long Island Wills and Death Notes, 1665-1707', web resource, viewed 04/12/13
  9. Jump up Abstracts of Wills Vol I 1665-1707, The New York Historical Society, 1892, viewed 04/12/13