HCA 13/72 f.240v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.240v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


by some of the company of the Maydstone frigott./

To the 11th and 12th articles hee saith that hee being a Carpenter of the shipp Nicholas
knoweth that divers letters and pacquetts were brought aboard the shipp the Nicholas at
Santa domingo, and a Spaniard who was a passenger and had goods in the sayd
shipp (whose name hee knoweth not) did speake to this deponent to [?cut ?some GUTTER]
hole in the deck or some other part of the sayd shipp to hide and conceale the sayd
letters in, in case the sayd shipp should be surprized at sea And hee
well remembreth that after the Nicholas was seized and the paper delivered
to Captaine Adams Commander of the Maydstone ffrigott to laye upon his
Cabbin Samuell Adams the brother of the sayd Captaine Adams and one
Claes Johnson had gott into the sayd Captaine Adams his Cabbin while
the sayd Captaine was otherwise busie and had heaved over board into the sea
some papers or pacquetts which were in the sayd Cabbin and had bin seized
in the Nicholas And further to these articles hee cannot depose./

To the 13th hee saith that before the seizure of the shipp Nicholas and her ladeing there was
open warr betwixt England and Spaine and hee knoweth that before her seizure
the English had attempted the takeing of Santa domingo./

To the 14th hee referreth him selfe to his foregoeing deposition
and to the lawe And further cannot depose

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/

Repeated before doctor Godolphin the 16th of ffebruary

the marke of the sayd
Lawrence P Peete [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The 17th day of ffebruary 1657 English style

Examined on the sayd allegation./

row dt.


Richard Jones of the parish of Saint Mary Matsellon alias
Whitechappell Mariner aged thirty one yeares or thereabouts
a wittnesse sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that upon the first day of
January one thousand sixe hundred fifty sixe English style the arlate shipp
the Nicholas and all the goods wares and merchandizes aboard her were seized and
taken by the Maydstone ffrigott arlate, the arlate Captaine Adams Comander
of her) the sayd frigott at such tyme as shee made the sayd seizure having
the English Colours out this hee knoweth being Corporall of the sayd
ffrigott and aboard her at the same tyme/

To the 2 hee saith that before the sayd shipp the Nicholas was soe seized shee was
haled by the sayd Captaine Adams and demanded whence shee came and
the arlate Claes Johnson the Captaine of the Nicholas answered that shee
came from Curraso (which is a place in possession of the states of the Netherlands
but as afterwards appeared shee came not from thence but from Saint domingo, and the
sayd Claes being by Captaine Adams commanded to come aboard the sayd ffrigott
refused to come, and did not strike his colours (which were flemish) but caused
ports to be knocked open and his gunns to be runne out and put him selfe and
Company into a posture for fighteing, And as this deponent heard some of the [?company GUTTER]
of the Nicholas after her seizure saye before this deponent and the Chirurgion of the
sayd ffrigott