HCA 13/72 f.240r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 240 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/09/16 |
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Christophers intending there to gett passage for England and saith that the sayd Claes
Johnson and his brother Bernard Johnson had then the Command of two shipps of warr
manned with Spaniards and came and sett upon and surprized the sayd shipp the John
and two ffrench shipps as they were in the roade of Zerludas and landed divers
Spaniards upon the Ter[su]das and dispossessed the English and ffrench thereof which
being done the sayd Claes departed with his shipp whereof he was Commander
to goe for Santo domingo leaving this deponent and the rest of the company of the John
ashoare at the Torludos in the custody of Spaniards, and after his departure a dutch
shipp which came from Brazeele coming in sight of the Torludas the sayd Claes
Johnsons brother Barnard Johnson put forth dutch colours upon his shipp and thereupon the sayd dutch
shipp supposing him to bee a friend came in and was by that meanes surprized
by the sayd Johnson and sent by the sayd Johnson to Santo domingo togeather with the sayd
shipp the John which acts of hostility the sayd Claes and his brother acted
by the power and authority of the King of Spaine And further hee cannot depose./
To the 8th and 9th articles hee saith that after the sayd Claes Johnson and his brother
were both gone from the Tertudas the Spaniards who were on shoare at the Tertudos
hearing that the English ffleete under the Command of Generall Penn was at Sea, were
in great feare that the sayd Generall would send some shipps and take that Iland of
Tertudos, and thereupon buried all their ordnance (which were thirty in number) and
tooke this deponent and other English men and french men whome they had as
prisoners on shoare and marched over land with them to that part of the Island
of Terludos which lay neerest to hispaniola and there put them
over in boates to hispaniola and soe marched them to Santo domingo and at
this deponents Coming to Santo domingo the sayd two shipps
which the sayd
Claes Johnson and his brother Commanded at the Terludos laye sunke in the
harbour, they being sunke there (as hee heard the sayd Claes Johnson
and divers others saye) to hinder the sayd English ffleete from getting into harbour
at Santo domingo, and alsoe heard the sayd Claes saye that hee went unto
Spaine to gett satisfaction for those two shipps which were soe sunke And
hee this deponent being at Santo domingo when the sayd Claes Johnson came
with the sayd shipp the Nicholas to Santo domingo knoweth that hee brought in her
one who was to be Vice Kinge or Governour there
and saith the sayd Claes Johnson knowing this deponent to bee a Shipp
Carpenter did imploye this deponent to repayre and mend the sayd shipp Nicholas
and make her fitt to returne for Cadiz, and procured this deponents liberty to come
from Santo domingo with him as a Carpenter of the sayd shipp, and the sayd
Claes hath severall tymes while this deponent wrought in fitting the sayd shipp
sayd that hee intended when hee came into Spaine to buy the sayd shipp the
Nicholas for his brother Bernard, whereby hee beleeveth that the sayd Claes
had noe Propriety in the sayd shipp the Nicholas but that shee belonged to
subiects of the King of Spaine And further hee cannot depose
To the 10th hee saith that hee seeing all the ladeing of the Nicholas which was in
her at her seizure laden aboard her knoweth that all of them except a parcell of
Cackowe which was laden by and belonged to the arlate hayes a dutch man and the peeces of eight laden by and belonging to this deponent was laden
by Spaniards and was for Accompt (as hee beleeveth of Spaniards And further hee cannot
depose, saving hee saith the sayd three hundred peeces of Eight and plate worth sixty peeces of
eight laden for Accompt of this deponent when the sayd shipp was soe seized were taken away