HCA 13/72 f.23v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.23v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 4th he saith that the said shipp with the foresaid Tenne
Chests of Sugar abord her, was in her course for Lisbone met with sett upon and
seized by some of the ships of this Comonwealth, and soe the
said Manuel Garcia was and is utterly deprived thereof
the same being brought to this Nation, Which hee knoweth
because hee this deponent was in the Nostra seniora when shee
was soe seized and afterwards turned out of her by the
takers with his Company and put into a Pinke to be
carried ashore at Saint Coves or Setubale/:

To the Interrogatories:/. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith that hee had bin Comander of the said
shipp the Nostra seniora da Rosario about two yeeres before
her seizure, And is a Native of Lisbone (but his ffather was
an Englishman) and saith hee hath lived in London for
about five yeeres last, and before at Lisbone from his
Birth, saving when hee hath bin in voyages and otherwise
Negatively. saving as aforesaid

To the second hee saiith hee hath knowne the said Manoes Garcia
for theise xi [ROMAN NUMERAL] yeeres last, and alsoe knoweth the Interrate
Edward Garcia and hath soe done from the time of the lading of the said goods
And otherwise referring himselfe to his foregoeing deposition
hee cannot Answer.

To the third hee saith the said sugars were the retournes of other
commodities which Manuel Garcia had sent to Bahia, and saith
hee is well assured that the said tenn chests of sugar were for his proper
account of him the said Manuel, and that noe Spaniard or other than
the said Manuell hath any interest therein.

To the fourth hee saith hee saw the said Edward Garcia da Bilbar at
Bahia aforeasaid at the time of the said lading, and sawe the said sugars
in his warehouse there before the lading thereof, and sawe the marking
thereof by the said Edwards servant, who brought them aboard. And
otherwise hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition.

To the fifth and sixth hee saith hee signed the said bills at the said
Edwards house in Bahia, and that the same are reall, and otherwise
hee cannot answer, saving his forefoing deposition.

To the seaventh and eighth hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.

To the 9th hee beleeveth in his conscience that the said sugars doe
really belong to the said Manuell and to Noe other person whatsoever

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.

George Whillers [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]