HCA 13/72 f.23r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.23r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the second hee saith that hee hath knowme the said Barbosa and
Charon about thirteene yeares last, and otherwise hee referreth himselfe
to his foregoeing deposition.

To the third hee saith hee hath knowne the interrogated Edward Garcia from the
time of the said lading, and saith hee is commonly reputed a native
of Portugall, and otherwise referreth himselfe as aforesaid.

To the fourth and fifth hee saith the said goods came out of the
said Garcia's warehouse, and this deponent almost daily saw him
while hee was soe at Bahia, and that hee himselfe and his man
laded and caused the said goods to be laded aboard the said shipp.

To the 6th hee cannot answer.

To the 7th negatively.

To the last hee cannot depose

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.
george Whillers [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 12th of Aprill 1657:

The claime of Manoel Garcia}
aforesaid in the Nostra Seniora da}
Rosario. George Whiller Comander}

Examined upon the foresaid Allegation.

dt. Coronell.

see the 1st in A18.


George Whillers of Lisbone Merchant, aged about
28 yeeres sworne and Examined:/

To the first and second articles of the said Allegation and the schedule in the said
second Article mentioned hee saith and deposeth that he well knewe and
was Comander of the shipp the Nostra Seniora Da Rosario the voyage arlate
and thereby Well knoweth that within the time arlate namely in or
about the moneth of September 1650 there were at Bahia in Brazeele
laden and put on board the said shipp by Edward Garcia da Bibar
for account of the arlate Manuel Garcia of Lisbone Tenne Chests of
White Sugar marked with the marke in the margent, To be transported
in the said shipp to Lisbone and there to be delivered to the said
Mannes Garcia, or to his ffactors or Agents for his use, And saith that
upon the said Lading hee this deponent signed three bills of lading for the
said Tenne Chests of white sugar before the departure of the said
shipp from the bahia all of one Tenor and that the said schedule
hereunto annexed was and is one of the said originall bills
soe by him signed, and was and is signed with his this deponents owne
hand, and that the Contents thereof were and are true, and soe had
and done as therein is contained, and saith the were were not any
other bills of any other Tenor signed for the said goods, and Lastly that the
said Mannes Garcia, was and is the true and lawfull owner
and Proprietor of the same Tenne Chests of Sugar:/.

To the third hee saith hee well knoweth the arlate Edward Garsia, who hee
saith was and is an Inhabitant of Bahia, and the said Manoes Garcia
was and is an Inhabitant of Bahia, and are both of them subiects of the
King of Portugall.



George Whillers

29. Codex chartaceus, in folio, ff.350.
THURLOE'S PAPERS, vol. xxix; Aug., Sep. 1655
Printed in vol. III of BIRCH's Collection; with the following exceptions:-

11. Note from Geo. Robinson (under Martin Noell) to Thurloe accompanying intelligence from the Low Countries; London, 3 Aug. p.70.

31. Note from George Whillers to Thurloe: 14 Aug. p.278.

32. To the same from Richard Bateson; not dated. p.280."[1]
  1. Jump up Gulielmus D. Macray, Catalogi Codicum Manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae partis Quintae (Oxonii, 1842), p.42, viewed 08/06/13