HCA 13/72 f.226r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 226 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
13/10/15 |
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To the 2 Interrogatorie hee saith hee knoweth not the Interrogate da Alvarado nor
can answere any thing to the effect of this Interrogatorie
To the 3 Interrogatorie hee saith hee knoweth not of any pipe of wine that was stowed
the voyage in question and is well assured that there was noe allowance for
any such losse demanded out of this deponents wages nor out of the wages of
any other of the sayd shipps company soe farr as hee knoweth of for hee this
deponent receaved his wages for him selfe and alsoe the whole wages
of George Clements a quarter Master of the Industry who empowered this
deponent to receave the same And further hee cannot answere/
To the 4th hee saith saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot more
fully answere to this Interrogatorie having lost his booke as aforesayd
and all papers touching the voyage in question./
To the 5th hee saith hee heard noe such order given as is Interrogate and
therefore cannot answere to this Interrogatorie./
To the 6th hee cannot answere knowing nothing touching the contents
Repeated before doctor Godolphin/
Beniamin [?D]enning [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 15th of ffebruary 1657
Vanbrough and Nicholas against)
The Abrahams Offering, and Rois.)
Smith. Suckly.
Examined upon the foresaid
?X: A.8.
Rp. 2
John Godsalve servant and
Apprentice of John Niclas (sic) one of
the producents, aged 18 yeeres or
thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the first article hee saith the producent John Nicolas the
time arlate was owner and proprietor of a fatt of black
and browne and white and browne thredd containing one hundred
and sixteene dozen of black and browne, and 669 pounds and
a halfe of white and browne thredd marked as in the margent
RX. B.4.
and for such commonly accounted, which hee knoweth having seene
the f[XXXX] concerning the same in his said masters
To the second hee saith hee well knoweth the arlate ffrancis Rois
and the shipp the Abrahams Offering arlate, of which shipp the said
Rois was master the time arlate and for such commonly accounted, this deponent
having bin in the said time aboard her and sawe him in such office
and command.
To the third hee cannot depose.
To the fourth and 5th hee saith that the said John Nicolas the said time
by his factor at fflushing did lade the said fatt of thredd aboard