HCA 13/72 f.225v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 225 |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4778.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
13/10/15 |
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his bookes of Accompts and Journall for the voyage in question which hee [made in GUTTER]
the sayd shipp the Industrie, but well remembreth that the next day after shee had [XXXXX GUTTER]
the sayd Pages goods aboard her and in the same moneth of August 1654 the sayd
Sydrack Blake sett sayle with the sayd shipp from Gravesend vound for the
Canaries and made all possible haste thither and by such his Industrie
did arrive there in the moneth of September 1654 and sonne then other shipps
that went directly from England that yeare And delivered
her outwards Cargoe there soone after such her arrivall there And further
hee cannot depose./
To the 3 article hee saith hee referreth him selfe to the Charter party [arlate GUTTER]
And further hee cannot depose./
To the 4th hee saith for that hee this deponent hath by the meanes afores
sayd lost his booke which hee kept as boatswaine of the Industrie the voyage
in question hee cannot depose to this article saving hee saith the sayd shipp arrived
at the Canaries in the moneth of September 1654 and stayed there untill about
the latter end of November next after ere shee sett saile from thence for London
To the 5th hee cannot depose not knoweing anything touching any pipe of
wine staved./
To the 6th article hee saith hee well remembreth that the sayd Sydrack Blake
soe soone as hee had revaved his dispatches from the arlate Gowen
Painter did with the first oportunitie of winde and weather depart from the
Canaries for London and although the Marie ffrigott whereof the arlate
Chalke was Master did receive her dispatches and departed from the Canaries
about a fortnight before the Industry was dispatched thence yet the sayd Blake
did by diligence of him and his Company arrive with his shipp the Industry
in the Port of London as soone as the sayd Chalke arrived there with the sayd
Mary ffrigott and before some other English shipps (which came from the
Canaries before the Industrie) arrived there And further hee cannot depose/
To the 7th hee saith for that hee being boatswaine was not imployed in the
stoweing of wynes hee cannot depose to this article./
To the 8th hee saith for that hee hath lost his bookes of Accompts as boat=
swaine of the Industrie for the voyage in question hee cannot depose to this
article not remembring what number of pipes were laden aboard the sayd
shipp nor for whose Account And further cannot depose/
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/
To the Interrogatories CENTRE HEADING
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee cometh to bee a wittnes in this cause
being soe required by the producent Blake to whome hee is not of kindred
or allegeance And saith hee was Boateswaine of the Industry the voyage
in question and hath receaved all his wages for the sayd voyage without any
defalcation made of any part thereof./