HCA 13/72 f.217v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 217 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4762.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/10/16 |
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the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the dominions
thereto belonging to take the shipps and goods of the king of
Spaine and his subiects, which hee knoweth because hee sawe the
said Commission and saith that by vertue of the said Commission the said two
vessells proceeded from this port on the said designe in or about
May last of his knowledge, going masters mate of the said
bugger vessell as aforesaid.
To the third hee saith that after such their setting out and departuure
from this port, the said two vessells went and proceeded to the
River of Bremen, and came to a place there having on one
side the dominion of the duke of Oldenburg, and on the other
the dominion of the king of Sweden, both in amitie with this State,
and this was in or about the end of the said moneth of May, which
hee knoweth for the reasons aforesaid.
To the fourth 5th. 6. 7. and 8th hee saith that the ffleete of the king of danmarke
came into the said River after the said two vessells came in thither,
and the Generall of the said ffleete commanded the said Captaine
Welch to come aboard him, and the said Captaine went aboard
him accordingly and carried the said Commission with him, this
deponent seeing him take the said Commission and goe aboard the said
Generall, who with the rest of the said fleete well sawe and knew
that the said two vessells wore and carried the English colours
and were belonging to England, and after the said Captaines retourne
aboard his owne shipp, shee and the shallop went further into the River
and were followed by two of the vessells of the said fleete, till the
said two English vessells were come into the dominion of the duke of Oldenburgh
in the said River, and that the Captaine and companies of the said
two English vessells suspecting them the said two danish vessells had
a designe to take them, endeavoured in the night time to hale
their vessells ashoare but the subiects of the duke of Oldenburgh
refused to permit and would not suffer them to hale them ashore,
and thereupon the next morning (being the first of July last)
the said Captaine Welch went ashore accompanied with foure or five
of his men, to know the reason wherefore his vessells
were not permitted in a friends territorie to be haled ashore, but
hee was noe sooner come ashore, but that hee and his said men
were taken prisoners by some of the men of the said two danish
vessells, who had gonne ashore and lay there in ambush. Which
danes having taken him carried him and his said men away, this deponent
from aboard the said bigger vessell (which was neere to the shore)
seeing such seizure and carrying away the said Captaine Welch and
his men by the danes,?whilas other of the danes seized the said boate
wherein the Captaine went ashore. Which being donne some
from one of the danish said vessells, called aboard the said Welches
bigger shipp (wherein this deponent was) and asked them saying
you rogues will you yeeld your shipps, and men will give you [?XXX]
quarter, if not, if wee take you, wee will give quarter to near?e a man of