HCA 13/72 f.217r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.217r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


depose: saving hee hath heard, (and verily beleeveth) the said
ship with all the said goods aboard her, Were seized, by Enemies
to this Comonwealth, by reason of which seizure all the said goods
were and are utterly lost to the said Humphry, and Mathias Aldington
saving that hee this deponent entred the
said goods at the Custome house for Porto aforesaid to be
transported in the said shipp: and sawe them Put into boates
to be sent and put aboard the said shipp: the Vallentine, and
afterwards received a receipt for the same, were received aboard
the said ship accordingly:/:

Repeated before doctor Godolphin: with his precontest:/:

Edward Colston [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 21th of January 1657.

Touching the Endeavour}
and Mary said to be destroied by the}
danes or their [?mXXXXXes]}

Rp. 1.

Christofer Wallis of Plimouth in the County of
devon Mariner, aged 36 yeares or thereabouts sworne
as in the acts of Court and examined upon certaine
Interrogatories saith as followeth.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee well knew the vessell the Endeavour
interrogated (of which John Welch was Captaine) and a certaine
shallop called the Mary, whereof Nathaniel Stakely was commander,
And saith the said vessell whereof the said Welch was Captaine, was of
the burthen of fiftie tonnes or thereabouts, and had and carried eight greate
gunns at the time of her losse hereafter mentioned, and that the said
Shallop was of the burthen of eighteene tonnes or thereabouts and had
foure gunns, and further that both the vessells were at the time of
their surprizall hereafter mentioned very well and plentifully furnished with
all manner of provisions, tackle, furniture and apparell for their
voyage, and in
particular the said greater vessell had two sutes of sailes, three anchors,
three cables, and all other things necessarie, and soe had the lesser of
the said vessells, saving that shee had but one sute of sailes. And saith
the said two vessells with their provisions, tackle, apparell and
furniture, were in his estimation worth a thousand pounds sterling, and
soe much they stood their owners in upon their setting out, but hee
cannot valew them apart, The premisses hee deposeth being masters
mate of the said greater vessell, and sailing in her in company of the
Shallop aforesaid.

To the second Interrogatorie hee saith that William Russell and Erasmus
Bedlow of london both English men and subiects of this Common
Wealth and well knowne to him this deponent were the owners of the said
two vessells and fitted, furnished and sett them out on the voyage wherein
they were lost (as hereafter is mentioned) namely to goe and saile
into the River of Bremer in the parts beyond the seas. And saith they
had a Commission of Marque from his highnes the lord Protector of