HCA 13/72 f.203r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.203r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


her decks , and sides being very Leaky, Insoemuch that she
receiveth much water into the Hold, which doth very much Rott
her, and her Ropes and Masts, are very much decayed, and are
wilbee dayly worse and worse, And wilbe utterly spoyled,
unlesse some speedy remedy be taken./



The same day.


Richard Parke of Rederith in the County of
Surry Mariner aged 32 yeeres or thereabouts,
sworne and Examined./

That hee this deponent well knoweth the shipp the Providence,
(whereof Robert Jones is Master) and saith that on ffryday last
this deponent did goe to, and veiwe, the said ship, (which lyeth
a little belowe Saint Saviours Dock) and thereby well knoweth that
by her soe lying shee doth very much decay and is dayly
worse and worse; And will be spoyled if some remedy
be not taken.

Richard Parke [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

The 29th of December 1657.

A busines of examination of witnesses for perpetuall}
remembrance of the matter touching the seizure of the}
shipp called the Eastland Merchant of which Captaine}
Richard Payne was Commander and the goods and}
Merchandizes therein seized by a Pinke and Pittash of}
Leghorne under the Command of Captaine}
Carsis and others etcetera promoted by John Smithier John}
Rivett Thomas Taylor and Company the owners of}
the sayd shipp the Eastland Merchant and the severall}
goods and merchandizes seized therein against the sayd}
Cardis and all others that will take upon them the
defence of the seizure of the sayd shipp and goods}

Examined on an allegation given in the 24th day
of december 1657 on the behalfe of the sayd John
Smithier and John Rivett and Company./


Andrew Shan of Shadwell in the parish
of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner
Boatswaine of the Eastland Marchant the voyage
in question aged forty seaven yeares or
thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./


To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee was Boatswaine of the
arlate shipp the Eastland Marchant at the tyme of the seizure hereafter mentioned
and had belonged unto her as one of her Company for two yeares and better before
her seizure and had gone severall voyages in her and thereby knoweth that the arlate
John Rivett and Thomas Taylor and Company videlicet John Smithier Thomas
Morley and others all subiects of this Commonwealth of England during the [monethes]
and tyme arlate and before were the time and lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the
sayd shipp and of her tackle Apparell and furniture and soe Commonly accompted And further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the second and third articles hee saith that hee being Boatswaine as aforesayd and on board