HCA 13/72 f.202v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 202 |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4732.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/04/10 | |
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Edited on 01/05/2013 by Colin Greenstreet |
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dammaged by the said sea wet, all which dammage to the said sugars
and tobaccoes of the said mr holway were occasioned and happened
meerly by the said violent storme and stresse of weather But
the valew of the said dammage hee saith hee cannot estimate
And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving a hogshead of the said
mr holway his said sugars was quite washed out and two butts
almost washed quite out of his sight and others of his sugars
much wasted and washed out.
To the fourth hee saith that the said sugars and tobaccos of the
said mr holway at the time of their said lading were outwards
well conditioned, and were as hee beleeveth alsoewell conditoned
inwardly, And saith the remainder of the said sugar in such
damnified condition came to and were dellivered at Bristol, and that
the said dammage as aforesaid happened by the said storme, but the
rate the sugars or tobaccoes would have yeelded in case they had not bin damnified
hee saith hee cannot depose.
To the last hee referreth him selfe to his foregoeing deposition.
The 18th of December 1657.
On the behalfe of Mr Sam:}
Wilson and Company}
touching the Vosse.}
Frederick Ixem of London Notary publique
sworne before the right worshipfull John Godolphin doctor
of lawes, one of the Judges of the high Court of the
Admiraltie, saith an deposeth by vertue of his oath
as followeth videlicet.
That the bill of sale touching the shipp the Vosse now brought
by him, beginning thus, To all people to whom this present
writing shall come etcetera and ending thus. In Amsterdam this
twenty third day of July style novo 1657; Was this day delivered
to this deponent by Mr Samuel Wilson and Mr John Turner Merchants of this citie
to the end to have it entred and intimated to perpetuall remembrance
and serve upon all lawfull occasions, and that the truth thereof
may be manifest to whom soever shall be therein concerned. To
which end hee leaveth a true copie of the said bill of sale to
remained here upon record to all legall intent and purposes.
The 21th day of December 1657
Touching the}
the shipp Providence}
Robert Jones Master}
Rp. 1:
Robert Jones of the parish of Saint Mary Maldalen in Surry
Marriner, Master of the ship Providence aged
40 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and Examined
That hee this Deponent being Master of the shipp the Providence
thereby very well knoweth her, and having bin aboard her
on Saterday last, and veiwing (sic), her, well knoweth that the
said ship the Providence is in a perishing Condition
Samuel Wilson
John TurnerSources
Primary sources
PROB 5/3180 Miscellaneous Inventories, Accounts, and Associated Documents. IXEM, Frederick, of St Katherine Coleman, London 1674
PROB 11/368/469 Will of Samuel Wilson, Merchant of London 17 December 1681
PROB 11/404/391 Will of John Turner, Merchant of City of Dantzig 15 May 1691
PROB 11/421/409 Will of John Turner, Merchant of London 05 October 1694