HCA 13/71 f.85v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.85v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


ready made from Castle da Marr, and were steeved aboard the sayd shipp by
the sayd shipps Company in presence of this deponent and others and all the other currans laden aboard the
sayd shipp (except about thirty butts which were laden at Zant) was
(as hee beleeveth and was informed by his contest Thomas Child)
laden out of the warehouses of the arlate William ffowke and Thomas
Oliver at Petras, and saith all the Currans laden at Petras and alsoe at Zant
were laden ready steeved as aforesayd (except before excepted) and saith they were
all laden as well those ready steeved as these unsteeved for Accompt of the
arlate Thomas Rowse and ffrancis ffowke, And saith hee well knoweth that
none of the Currans laden aboard the Cesar were at any tyme after the
ladeing of them put out of the sayd shipp untill they were discharged in
the River of Thames, nor were ever in the possession of any but this deponent
till their sayd delivery, And further to these articles hee cannot depose /

To the 25th article hee saith that the foresayd Clement Harbie did for the
Accompt of Thomas Rowse and ffrancis ffowke arlate pay to this deponent
eight hundred fiftie eight dollars for demorage of the shipp arlate in
Turkey, And saith the arlate ffrancis ffowke hath since his this deponents
coming in to England paid him this deponent five hundred pounds videlicet
of this freight for the sayd Currants brought home in the Cesar aforesayd
and promised to pay the rest due for the same, And further to this article hee
cannot depose. /

To the 26th and 27th articles of the sayd allegation he saith hee knoweth not of
any moneys paid by the arlate William Williams and
Company touching the Currans in Controversie And further to these
articles hee cannot depose/

To the 28th article he saith that hee this deponent had not power from the
arlate Thomas Rowse and Francis ffowke to take the arlate Clement harbie
or any other to bee his assistant, neither had the sayd Clement harbie
any power (as hee beleeveth) from the sayd Rowse and ffowke, (and hee
knoweth hee had none from this deponent) to make any agreement
with the arlate humphrey hardwick or any other to the effect of the
agreement arlate neither did hee this deponent give the sayd harbie any
such power, nor soe much as knew any thing touching the sayd agreement,
and further to this article hee cannot depose /

To the 29th article hee saith hee well knoweth that the arlate Clement harbie was not
supra cargo for the arlate Rowse and Company nor demanded himselfe
as factor for them, And further to this article hee cannot depose /

To the 30th hee saith that hee well knoweth that the sayd Coffie [?every] of
the sayd five Chests weighed five hundred weight or thereabouts and that the sayd
nyne baggs of pepper weighed about eighteen hundred weight, and saith that every
pound of the sayd Coffie as this deponent heard hamett Bashawe and Constantine servants of the Consull ffowke and alsoe the sayd Clement harby saye was at Petras where it was receaved worth
a dollar a pound, and every pound of pepper worth halfe a dollar soe that the
same could not at that rate amounte to lesse than the value of two thousand
dollars at the least, and further to this article hee cannot depose /
