HCA 13/71 f.85r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 85 |
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IMAGE: P1130371.JPG | |
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David Pashley | |
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2012/10/10 | |
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Edited on 03/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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goe with his sayd shipp to Zant and there tooke in the sayd
Clement harbie, and with him on board, returned with his sayd shipp
back to Nathalagoe roade, And hee alsoe saith that by such tyme as the
Cesar was returned to Nathalagoe the arlate hardwick Langford and
Gifford had procurred some of the Nathalagoe Currans to be laden aboard
the Elizabeth and Anne, and used such means in the absence of the Cesar that
none of the Nathalagoe Currans could be gotten aboard or were
laden aboard the Cesar though they the sayd hardwick and Langford
were as is predeposed in this deponents presence told and acquainted by the
sayd Consull William Hawke in his life tyme that hee had bought
all the sayd Currans, And further to these articles hee cannot depose/
To the 21th and 22th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this
deponent seeing that the Nathalagoe Currans could not bee gotten
as aforesayd, went back with his shipp Cesar and the sayd Clement
harbie aboard her, to Petras, to take aboard her the Currans of
the Morea, and saith hee sent his contest Mr Child on shoare who brought
him word that the arlate Mr Oliver had bin exceeding sick but was then
somewhat recovered, and that the Currants of the Petras were all in the ware=
houses of the Consull William ffowke deceased, and the sayd Oliver, and that
the arlate hamett Bashaw and Constantine were by the Consull sent to the
Gulphe to bring the Currans there, to the side of the Cesar and there deliver them,
And hee saith that accordingly the sayd hamett Bashaw and Constantine
with certaine Turkes of whome the sayd Curans were bought came in
boates and brought the sayd Currans to the Cesars side, but the said Turkes
refused to lade them aboard the Cesar till they were fully payd for them
whereupon hee saith the sayd Clement harbie called to this deponent
and told him that the Turkes who came in the sayd boates would not suffer
the Currans by them brought to be laden aboard the Cesar till they
were fully satisfied for them, whereupon hee this deponent caused the
five chests of Coffie and nyne baggs of pepper brought from Zant
as aforesayd to be delivered to the sayd Turkes, and caused his this
deponents Cabin boy Beniamin Bruty to deliver unto the sayd Harby
two thousand of the dollars which were brought from Genoa as aforesayd
and hee saith that the same being powred
out upon a Carpet in his this deponents Cabin the same were there told
out by the sayd harby in presence of this deponent and his servant the sayd
Bruty, and by the sayd Turkes receaved, whoe therewith and with the sayd Coffie
and pepper departed well satisfied And further to this article saving his foregoeing
deposition hee cannot depose/
To the 23th and 24th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that the currants which
came from the Gulphie as aforesayd, were all steeved aboard the Cesar in the Casks brought