HCA 13/71 f.645r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 645 |
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IMAGE: P1140539.JPG | |
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Jill Wilcox | |
First transcribed | |
2013/04/03 | |
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Edited on 29/07/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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millrees perhead. And saith that there were seven hundred eighty
seven Negers besides Children brought to and landed alive att
Bahia for the Accompt of Portugalls the freight whereof after
the rate aforesayd did and doth amount unto three thousand eighty
nyne mill eight hundred rees. And that of the sayd Captaine
Hurdidge, his Owners and Companies Negars there were Landed
att Bahia in Brazill aforesayd, one hundred fifty nine Negers
and sixteene children one hundred thirty three where of belonged to the sayd Hurdidge and his Owners the premisses he deposeth belng present
att making of the contract for the sayd freight and saw the sayd
Negers taken in and landed at aforesayd: And otherwise he
deposeth not.
To the 8th article he saith that the sayd shipp having so taken in the
sayd Negars and Salt sett syle from Anglola and arrived safely
therewith att Bahia in Brasilia the month of february 1650
English stile or 1651. new stile. And saith
that of his sight and knowledge the sayd shipp and Negars and salt
and all what so ever on board her for Accompt of Englishmen were
seized by the officers or ministers of the King of Portugall upon
her such first arrivall together with the freight aforementioned
and freight allso due to the sayd shipp for the Negars and salt
for English Accompt. And saith that he knoweth and observed
that the sayd Negers belonging to the English were all sold some
att fourty nine some att forty eight millrees perhead and some
att something lower rates, and that they were really worth one
with another forty five millrees per head att the least, so as
the sayd one hundred fifty nine Negers and 16 children for
English Accompt att that rate did amount to seven thousand
one hundred fifty five millrees, and so much the King of Portugalls
ministers had and made of the same, and disposed of the sayd
salt to the Kings use, And so much his deponent well saw
and observed. And further deposeth not.
To the 9th article he saith the sayd shipp was of 420 tonnes burthen
and upwards and had four and twenty gunnes, and was by
the Portugeeses themselves of this deponents ćertayne knowledge
appraised att Angola att twelve thousand Crownes sylver money
each Crowne worth five shillings English, and so much the
said shipp was then well worth. And further deposeth not.
To the tenth article he saith that the sayd ffrancis Hurdidge did
att Angola pay the Royall Customes for all the foresayd Negroes
taken into the sayd shipp att Angola att four millrees per head videlicet part in ready money
and part in bills of exchange and bound himselfe shipps and goods
for making good the same. And saith that the Customes for
the sayd nine hundred and seventeen Negerses receyved on board
for Portugalls Accompt att the sayd rate of four millrees per head
did and doe amount to three thousand six hundred sixty eight
millrees, which the sayd ffrancis Hurdidge did pay in manner