HCA 13/71 f.644v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.644v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the fourth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith, that the sayd
shipp did returne out of the sayd voyage into Angola laden with salt
and there remayned twenty dayes before she was dischardged
of the sayd salt besides the four monethes aforesayd
and saith that for the sayd twenty dayes nothing
att all was allowed by the sayd Governour, how beit aććording to the
monthly rate aforesayd four hundred millrees ought to have been
payd and are now due for the same. And further that in the
sayd warlike serviće the sayd shipp by the Portugueses was runn upon
the rockes and thereby splitt her sterne post and broke of the
Irons from the post and likewise her rudder, so as of necessity
she was to be repaired, and saith that after her such dischardging
of her salt, twenty other dayes were spent in the mending
her and rećovering her from her sayd dammage before she ćould
goe to sea againe from Angola. And for this last mentioned
twenty dayes the summe of four hindred millrees according to the
monethly proportion aforesayd were and are due over and besides
the salt allowed for the sayd four monethes, and the 400. millrees
first above mentioned. the premisses he deposeth, serving
in the sayd shipp as aforesayd. And further deposeth not.

To the fifth and sixth articles he saith that the repaire of the sayd
shipp after her sayd dammage in Carpenters worke Calkers, Smiths and
other necessary Charges did Cost the sayd ffrancis Hurdidge
the summe of two hundred millrees att the least. and he verily
beleiveth that the Charges of the sayd Captaine Hurdidge his imprisonment
and troubles of suits that the sayd Governour (to iustify his indirect
imprisoning of the sayd Captaine) did commence and bring against him, did
Cost him the sayd ffrancis Hurdidge the summe of two hundred millrees
more att the least. which he deposeth seeiing the sayd repaires done
and well knowing how Costly a place Angola is And further
saith not.

To the seventh article he saith and deposeth, that after the sayd shipp was
discharged and repaired att Angola the sayd Captaine Hurdidge
receyved on board her there nine hundred and seventeene Negars
besides Children for the aććompt of Portugalls, by the Order of
the sayd Governour and Officers of the King of Portugall, And also
one hundred eighty four Negers and eighteene Children for accompt
of the Owners of the sayd shipp and him her sayd master and Company
and allso about fourthousand Alquiers of salt which salt the sayd
Governour forced him as aforesayd to accept in the stead of eight hundred
millrees, all to be transported to Bahia. And saith that the sayd
ffrancis Hurdidge was to have for the freight of every of the sayd
Negers for Portugalls accompt that should be landed att Bahia in
Brasilia aforesayd from three mill eight hundred Rees to four