HCA 13/71 f.643v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 643 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 29/03/2013 | |
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IMAGE: P1140536.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/03/29 | |
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Edited on 27/05/2014 and on 03/11/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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brought to this port in her the said voyage, namely to the quan[?titie GUTTER]
of an hundred and fourtie barrells or thereabouts, suffered losse
and dammage and were faine to under sell their said herrings in
respect of what they might otherwise have donne, the summe of three
shillings per barrell in regard of the said herrings [?since GUTTER]
brought for the said Vand kouter and Johnson and others and [?thXXXXX] those [??parcells GUTTER]
to the said Vandekouter and Johnson and others had not bin brought
in the said shipp the said voyage, hee beleeveth the herrings of
the said drinkewater and watson would have yeelded three
shillings per barrell or thereabouts more than they did, and that
they would have bin sold for soe much per barrell more if those others
had not come. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.
To the second hee saith hee was not present at dublin at
the [XXXXX] in question, and otherwise hee cannot depose
saving as aforesaid.
Repeated before doctor Godolphin.
The 23th of Aprill 1657. [CENTRE HEADING]
Exámined upon the foresaid allegation.
Rp. 3.
John Grew of the towne and County of Bedford
citizen and ffishmonger of London, aged 28 yeeres or
thereabouts sworne and exámined.
To the first and second articles hee saith hee knew the shipp Jonas arlate
whereof Nathaniel hutchinson was master. And otherwise hee cannot depose
To the third and fourth hee saith that the cheife or maine of the said
shipps lading the voyage arlate from Ireland to this port was herrings
and that a parcell of the said herrings (but what quantitie [XXXX GUTTER]
knoweth not) came to be delivered to mr vande kouter (which hee [?well GUTTER]
knoweth because hee sawe part thereof) and 24 barrells of the said
shipps lading come to the arlate mr Johnson, which 24 barrells his
this deponents precontest John Greene then bought of him the said
Johnson, which hee knoweth being then servant to the said mr Greene
and imployed by him in the fetching and paying of them. And some
herrings hee saith there were alsoe brought for the Master and company
of the shipp, but how many hee knoweth not. And otherwise hee
cannot depose.
To the the fifth her saith that this deponents said Master alsoe bought
the herrings brought for the account of the arlate drinkewater and
Watson the said voyage, and had then about tenn groates in a barrell
cheaper by reason of the said other herrings of the said Vander Louter,
Johnson and the master and company brought over therewith which said shipp,
had not those other [XXXX] hee beleeveth the said drinkewater and watson
had yeelded them tenn groates or thereabouts in a barrell more than they did.
To the Interrogatories hee cannot answer, not being in Ireland, nor knowing ought thereof than as aforesaid
Repeated before doctor Godolphin:/