HCA 13/71 f.643r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 643 |
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IMAGE: P1140535.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/03/26 | |
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Edited on 27/12/2013, on 12/02/2014 and on 03/11/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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sixteenth parts in the moneth of Aprill 1654, one sixteenth part
whereof hee bought of Elizabeth ffriend of Redriff widowe, and the
other sixteenth of Robert Clarke of Redriff aforesaid Sailemaker
sonne in law of the said Elizabeth, which hee knoweth because hee
was acquainted with the said selling and buying and made the bills
of sale thereupon, namely for each of the said sixteenth parts, and
that the bills nowe showed unto him were and are the said originall
bills of sale, and were signed sealed and delivered the one of them
by the said Elizabeth ffriend and the other by the said Robert Clarke
as their acts and deeds in the presence of this deponent who sett
his name on the back of each of them as a witness thereof
as nowe appeareth, and ever since the said Abrahall hath
bin commonly accounted owner of the said two sixteenth parts of the
said shipp. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
Repeated before doctor Godolphin.
The 21th of Aprill 1657. [CENTRE HEADING]
Ash and others against drinkewater}
Clements. Suckley.}
Exámined upon the foresaid allegation
on the behalfe of the said drinkeater.
Rp. 2.
Captaine John Greene of the parish of Saint Magnus
London ffishmonger, aged 40 yeeres or thereabouts
sworne and exámined.
To the first and second articles hee cannot depose saving what
To the third and fourth articles hee saith that the maine or
cheife of the lading of the arlate shipp the Jonas from Ireland to
London the voyage in question, was barrells of herrings, and hee
beleeveth shee was freighted by Charterpartie by the arlate
drinkewater and weston or one of them, and saith that hee before
the said lading, heard that the said drinkewater intended to freight and
lade a shipp with herrings for london. And saith there were the
said voyage in the said shipp to this port a parcell of herrings of
an hundred and tenn barrells or thereabouts consigned or
to be delivered to mr vandekouter arlate and twenty foure barrells
to mr Johnson, which hee knoweth because hee this deponent bought
the said 24 barrells of herrings of mr Johnson, and bought or had part of
the said other parcell which was to be delivered to mr Vande [?kouten]
whereof hee saith Major Crusso after their arivall had the disposall
And otherwise hee cannot depose
To the fifth article hee saith that the arlate drinkewater and
Crusoe who freighted the said shipp and had a good quantitie of herrings
Primary sources
PROB 11/323/212 Will of John Greene, Fishmonger of Saint Magnus the Martyr, City of London 09 February 1667