HCA 13/71 f.642r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.642r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


dated from Amsterdam; which hee knoweth seeing the said advises, and saith
the said advise of the said Ampe was received by the said Mr Browning the
15th of January aforesaid old stile, as by the note upon the book thereof touching
the said receipt appeareth, and the said advise from Glimmer was the
next following post, which advises hee beleeveth to be true, and that the
said shipp was really soe cast away with her said goods, and perished

To the 9th hee saith that at the time of the said casting away, the said John
Browning was true and reall owner of a third part of the said shipp,
tackle, apparell and furniture, and of a third part of the said Cole[XXX],
and ran the hazard thereof, saving of such part as hee had assured.

To the tenth Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that the pollicie
of assurance nowe showed unto him, was on the eleaventh of October 1656
showed to Abraham Sayon sonne of ffrancis sayon therein named, at the
said ffrancis his house in Leadenhall streete London by the said mr Browning
in this deponents presence, and then and there the said Abraham
tooke the same into his hand and perused it, and said, this is my
fathers hand (speaking of his said father ffrancis Sayon) and speaking
to the said mr Browning, said, you need not bee soe earnest about your
money, for I hope my father will be upon the Exchange the next weeke,
or words to the same effect, And otherwise hee cannot depose saving
hee therefore the more certainly knoweth [?the] matter therein deposed, because hee tooke a note thereof in
writing, which hee hath nowe with him.

Pte van Overscheld [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 18th of Aprill 1657.

On the behalfe of Thomas Abrahall of}
London Merchant concerning a losse on}
the ship William and henry of London.}
in a busines of Assurance}

Rp. 1

Thomas Chaplain of Redriff in the
County of Surrie Shipwright aged
35 yeares or thereabouts sworne before
the right Worshipfull John Godolphin doctor of
Lawes one of the Judges of the high Court of
the Admiraltie and exámined upon
certaine Interrogatories ministred on the
behalfe of the said Thomas Abrahall saith
and deposeth as followeth, videlicet.

To the first and second Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that
hee well knew and was Carpenter of the interrogated shipp
the William and henry (whereof William Abrahall and afterward Alexander ffar[?ley] was master) at such time
as shee was last at yarmouth, which was in herring season, namely
betwixt Michaelmas and Christmas last, and was thence bound
for Ancona to discharge her cargo of herrings. And saith that within
the said time shee departed with her said cargo from yarmouth and
[?prosequuted] her