HCA 13/71 f.641v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.641v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


ánd nyne pence sterling, and that hee the said Browning (acting
therein for the rest of the said owners aswell as for himselfe) paid
and dischardged the same unto the said factors, which hee knoweth having
seene both the letters and accounts therein of the said factors, upon the
first transacting of that affaire and againe very lately, and all other
dispatches thereabout. And for his better remembring of times and
particulars, hee this examinate tooke a breviat as hee saith out of
the said bookes, accounts and dispatches touching this whole matter
whereupon hee is nowe examined to the severall Interrogatories and
hath the same nowe with him, and saith that 131li - 16s - 3d of the said moneys for the
Sea Coles was uppon mr Brownings proper account./

To the fifth hee saith that the said John Bruyninck upon giving the said order and [XXX GUTTER]
hee had received advise from the said factors of the said lading of the said Coles[XXX], by letters
dated from London directed to fflushing, advised the said ffrancis Olars th[XXX GUTTER]
said Olars should expect the said shipp at fflushing, and upon
her arivall cause the said goods to bee unladen and sent by small boates
within to the said land Glimmer to Amsterdam, for
the said owners their account, And saith there were two letters soe
written to the said Olars, therein dated the second and other the
nineth of december 1653, and sent on those dayes, directed to the
said ffrancis Olars, and the said Bruyninck in the said advise, did
signifie to the said Olars that one third part of the said Coles[XXX]
was for the said mr Brownings account.

To the 6th hee saith that at the time of the said lading there
were warrs betwixt England and the United Netherlands, in which regards
the said mr Browning (for preservation of the said goods from seizure
by man of warr) ordered the said factors to make a colourable
consignment of them to dunkirke, and saith the same was donne
accordingly, for this deponent hath since seene one of the bills of
lading to that effect, but the said shipp was really to goe to and
discharge at fflushing, and not at dunkirke.

To the seaventh hee saith that about the said time that the
said mr Browning soe by letters advised the said Olars of the said
lading, hee alsoe by other letters dated from London directed to Amsterdam
to the saud Jiis Glimmer, advised him the said Glimmer of the
said lading alsoe, which advise the said Glimmer receaved for hee
retourned answer thereof to the said Browning, and further
advised the said Mr Browning that hee had provided a quantitie of
Clapboards and thense from Amsterdam to fflushing to the said
ffrancis Olars, to be by him put aboard the said shipp (after
discharge of the Cole[XXXX]) for London for the said owners account,
all which hee knoweth for the reasons aforesaid, and saith the said
Olars afterwards advised Mr Browning of the receipt of the said Clapboards.

To the eighth hee saith that the said shipp and lading being in
her said voyage for fflushing was cast away neere Egmont interrogated
Abraham Ampe of harlem neere to Egmont, brother
in law of the said Browning by letters dated at harlem the 9th of
January 1653/4 advised the said mr Browning thereof and of
the losse of the said Coles[XXX], and the like did Joost Glimmer afterwards by letters