HCA 13/71 f.607v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.607v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


day of the sayd Imbargo hee might have incurred some danger of
being seized with his ladeing his being a smale shipp, though this deponent knoweth that there
were severall little shipps in Voles Mallega and Grand Mallega Roade when
the sayd Imbargo first came which of were not seized, and saith this deponent
heard only of one shipp that was seized in Mallega Roade, which was a
smale shipp and seized upon by boates manned out to that end upon the
sayd tenth of September 1655 And saith hee hath heard from the
Merchants who were to have laden her that an English shipp called the Anne
and John where of [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT] Piles was Commander was upon
the sayd tenth of September 1655 in Mallega Roade and would not
bee ruled by his Merchants that were to freight him although
hee continued out of Command in the Roade of Mallega three or fower
dayes after the Imbargo began, and by that meanes through his owne
willfullnesse and default went empty thense, And saith that after a smale
tyme as aforesayd, shipps did unlade and relade at Mallega as
aforesayd, and soe might the sayd Browneing as hee beleeveth
have done with as little danger of confiscation as they did,
if hee had come thither And further saving his foregoeing deposition
hee cannot answere./


Repeated before doctor Godolphin/