HCA 13/71 f.607r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.607r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


receave ladeing of wines and other goods at Mallega and departe thense quietly
therewith for England, and hee verily beleeveth
and is perswaded in his conscience that the arlate Browneing (if hee had at
the same tyme arrived with his shipp and ladeing at Mallega and followed the
Order and direction of the factor of the arlate Bulkely there) might have
unladen and reladed there as well as other English shipps did, for
that this deponent knoweth not of any English shipp that arrived there
which returned thense empty, but did unlade and relade there as their occasions
did require notwithstanding the sayd difference And further saving
his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose./

To the rest of the articles of the sayd allegation hee is not examined by
direction of the producent./

To the Interrogatories/ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee came to testifie at the request of the producent
Bulkley to whome hee is not of kinne, and saith hee hath noe interest in this cause
nor will it bee either profitt or preiudice to him which soever of the parties
litigant prevaile in this suite./

To the 2 hee saith hee knoweth not the interrogate Richard Parker or Robert Parker
nor the Interrate Johnson and therefore cannot answere to this Interrogatorie./

To the 3 hee saith hee was resident at Voles Mallega when the difference
first Was first knowne to bee happened betwixt England and Spaine and saith
it was first knowne there the tenth of September 1655 and saith that at the
first all men shipps and goods of the English which could bee found by the
Spaniards were at Voles Mallega and Mallega seized and kept under Imbargo or restrainte, but saith
that within tenn or fifteene dayes after the officers of the King of Spaine
did upon request made to them give liberty to the English Merchants and
ffactors at Mallega and Voles Mallega (notwithstanding the sayd Imbargo)
to receave ladeing, and relade shipps in manner as in his foregoeing
deposition is declared, yet saith that divers of the goods of English merchants
which were on shoare and seized on at the first beginning of the Imbargo
were about three moneths after confiscated and sold, And saith hee this respondent
and other English ffactors were imprisoned for a smale tyme
though as plainly appeared to this deponent by a sight of the King
of Spaines Order touching the sayd Imbargo) the officers at Mallega and Voles
Mallega had noe authority from the King soe to doe, neither were any English
Merchants soe farr as this deponent ever heard imprisoned in any part of
Spaine save Mallega and Voles Mallega, and saith the sayd Officers did
seize some household goods of this deponents, and kept them in depos[?is]to
about three moneths before they confiscated them And further saith that in case
the Interrogate Browneing had bin at Mallega with his shipp upon the first