HCA 13/71 f.489r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 489 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 28/10/2012 | |
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IMAGE: P1140145.JPG | |
First transcriber | |
Daniel Richards | |
First transcribed | |
2012/10/28 | |
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Edited on 02/11/2012 by Alex Jackson, on 26/12/2012 by Jill Wilcox and on 07/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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There was noe likelihood of their killing the sayd whale they
Cut their warpes and lett her goe And further he cannot depose/
To the 7th he saith that at such tyme as the Company, (as is predeposed) did
worke out of the Ice to Sea againe, the Owners Adventure and Greyhound were (in this
deponents Judgement) about eight leagues from shoare and further saveing this
foregoeing deposition he cannot depose for for that hee was never at Greeneland
before the voyage in question./
To the 8th and 9th hee saith as before hee hath deposed that the foresayd Pybus
Welch Golding and Childs shipps were in company with the Owners
Aventure and Greyhound whom they endeavoured as aforesayd to gett through
the Ice to shoare, And saith hee beleveeth the sayd fower shipps did
afterwards gett into harbour and fish there for that hee sawe aboard them
after their returne to London that voyage good freights
of oyle and whalebone, And
saith hee beleeveth that in case the sayd Gosling and Maundrie had
not at severall tymes during the sayd voyage by their speeches and
behaviour discouraged the Companyes of the Owners Adventure and
Greyhound as indeede they did (for the Master at an other tyme after
their Comming out to Sea as aforesayd having
by fowle weather bin beaten out to Sea divers leagues and lost the Company
of the other fower shipps and alsoe of the Greyhound did make in againe towards Shoare and coming
to the edge of the Ice and being then in this deponents Judgement about sixe
or eight leagues from shoare and the Ice there divers in this deponents Judgment very thinne and probable to bee passed did command the Companye of the Owners
Adventure and Greyhound to worke into the Ice and make to shoare whereto the
sayd Maundry replyed and sayd thus or the like in effect I would they were hanged
that layes their hand to a roape to worke in, and I bee hanged drawne and
quartered if any shipp gett into harbour in Greeneland this yeare, and alsoe
sayd If would I were aboard of my brothers shipp (meaning the the shipp whereof
his brother John Maundrey was master) or of some dutch shipp) the sayd
Owners Aventure might
have gotten to harbour and made a good
voyage alsoe if the sayd Gosling and Maundrie had bin as foreward and
willing thereto as the master was, and had not by their words discouraged the
sayd shipps Company as they did, And further hee cannot depose./
To the 10th hee saith that the arlate Batson Beane and Golderne did as he beleeveth laye out
a considerable summe of money for victualing and fitting out the two
vessells arlate for the voyage in question (but how much hee knoweth not) and
saith there was only brought home
about halfe a tonne and better of ffinne, and as much blubber as made
eighteene tonne and a half of oyle or thereabouts, all which was brought home
in the Owners Adventure, and it was in the deponents Judgement, the oyle, worth
about eighteen or twenty pounds a tonne, and the finne worth about threescore pounds
sterling And further saving his foregoing deposition he cannot depose/
To the 11th hee saith that the arlate Batson Beane and Golderne by reason
of the insuccessefullnes of the voyage in question are dammified to a
considerable value, but what to estimate the same at hee knoweth not, with
dammage as hee in his this deponents judgement came by reason of the sayd
Gosling and Maundry their unwillingnesse to obey the sayd damerells Commands
and their discourageing the Companys of the vessells in manner aforesayd And
further he cannot depose.