HCA 13/71 f.488v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.488v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


by the sayd Gosling and damerell each to other openly upon the [?deck GUTTER]
of the Owners Adventure in presense and hearing of this deponent and all [?or part GUTTER]
of her Company And saith that the sayd Master still continueing his Command
to the Companyes of the Owners Adventure and Greyhound to worke the sayd shipp
further in the sayd Companyes did notwithstanding the the words which had [?passed GUTTER]
as aforesayd betwixt the sayd Gosling and damerell obey the sayd damerells
Command and wrought the sayd shipps (in this deponents Judgement) about sixe or [?seaven GUTTER]
myles) further into the ice towards harbour then the other ffower London shipps [?did GUTTER]
worke, and there again by the Master Commands made the sayd shipps Owners
Adventure and Greyhound fast to the Ice againe, and after the sayd shipps had [?there GUTTER]
rested some certayne howers to refresh their Companyes the sayd damerell
did command them to be wrought further in toward shoare, but the sayd Gosling
and Maundrie upon the open deck of the Owners Adventure in presense of this deponent and divers others of the Owners Adventures Companye then replyed and sayd that the Ice was soe thick towards shoare
that it was impossible to worke further in and that the other fower London shipps [XXX GUTTER]
Company they had left were working out and that if they had soone soe [XXX XXXX] cause to worke further in they were as able and willing to advance their voyages as any the [XXXXX] by which meanes and the words [?by GUTTER]
spoken by the sayd Gosling, the Companyes of the sayd shipp were soo dif[XXXXX GUTTER]
that they stood still, not endeavouring to worke further in [?whereupon GUTTER]
the sayd damerell seeing their unwillingnesse to worke further in, [?desyred GUTTER]
and that they were nowe willing to worke out againe to sea as the other shipps did, [?hee GUTTER]
did thereupon consent and command that they should worke out to sea as the
shipps did, to which they were all very willing and wrought out to sea [?accordingly GUTTER]

To the 6th hee saith that after the Owners Adventure and Greyhound came [?out GUTTER]
of the Ice as aforesayd and were at Sea the sayd Gosling and Maundry
and humfreys and Parker the Boatswaine and Mathew Bowling (all
harponeeres) did in severall shallops with the assistanse of other of the
Owners Adventures Company (every harponeere having in his shallop [XXX GUTTER]
men beside him selfe to come steere and assiste him) give chase to a Whale
(being as hee beleeveth the whale arlate) and after they had chased her some
howers, the sayd Parker fastned his Iron in her, and fastened his warpe
and the sayd humfreys soone after did the like, and the sayd Gosling [?alsoe GUTTER]
struck his Iron into her and fastened his warpe, but the whale moveing
exceeding swifte towed the sayd Goslings shallopp against [XX GUTTER]
of Ice and thereby broke his Iron or cutt his warpe with the edge [?of GUTTER]
the Ice soe that the sayd Gosling became thereby loose from her, and [XXX GUTTER]
being loose, hee and the company of his boate and alsoe the rest of the [?harponeeres GUTTER]
and their Companyes who were not fast to the whale, gave chase againe to [?the GUTTER]
sayd whale and seeing they could not gett to fasten their Irons in her [?by GUTTER]
reason of her swift motion, they all fastened their shallopps to the shallopps
of the sayd humphrys and Parker and who continued fast to her, [?thereby GUTTER]
to tyre her out with toweing them and with all severall tymes endeavoured to fasten Irons in her [?and GUTTER]
lannse her but could not, and having thus sometymes tymes chased her and some
tymes bin towed by her for the space of eight howers or thereabouts the sayd Gosling [?and GUTTER]
Maundrey and their shallopps Crews and the sayd Bowling and his shallopps
and Crew thereof left of any further pursuite of the sayd whale and [?went] on [XXX GUTTER]
the Owners Adventure, and the sayd Parker and humphrey and their Crews still [XXX GUTTER]
[?tinned] fast to the sayd whale for the spare of halfe an hower and better [XXX GUTTER]
the sayd Gosling Maundrey and Bowling gave over as aforesayd, and then [?sXXX GUTTER]
[?there GUTTER]