HCA 13/71 f.389v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.389v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


acquainted the sayd Jagoe and Bowtill or one of them that the sayd shipp
laye there ready fitted and furnished with all necessaries and in a readinesse
to take in their goods and proceede on the voyage, and severall tymes pressed
them to lade their goods and dispatch the sayd shipp away on her sayd voyage
but the sayd Bowtill and Jagoe of this deponents sight and knowledge did neither
of them cause any goods to bee laden aboard her, by which meanes the sayd
shipp was by the sayd Bowtill and Jagoe kept at dartmouth in expectation
of ladeing, the space of about three moneths after the sayd her sayd arrivall
there, for all which tyme the Mariners did eate and drinke upon the cost
of the sayd Nathaniell Marriott And this deponent sawe the sayd Thomas Marriott in behalfe of the sayd Nathaniell Marriott pay divers
of them their wages for the sayd tyme, the premisses hee deposeth of his owne sight
and knowledge being one of the sayd shipps Company and on board all the sayd tyme,
And further saith that after the sayd shipp had soe layne at dartmouth about
three moneths in expectation of goods to bee laden on board her by
the sayd Jagoe and Bowtill, the sayd Thomas Marriott seeing that noe
goods were by them laden according to agreement, was forced to give
over, and did give over, the sayd imployment, And this hee deposeth
alsoe for the reasons aforesayd And further hee cannot depose/

To the 6th hee saith hee well knoweth that in case the sayde shipp had pro=
ceeded on her intended imployment according to to the sayd Bowtill and
Jagoe their agreement, shee could have carried five and twenty
tonnes of goods at the least And further to this article hee cannot depose

To the 7th hee saith hee verily beleeveth and is perswaded in his
conscience that it cost the sayd Nathaniell Marriott during such tyme
as the sayd shipp Aprill Shower was by order of the arlate Jagoe and
Bowtill stayed at dartmouth in expectation of ladeing, as much
in fitting and prepareing the sayd shipp with victualls and other
necessaries and for mens wages and other chargdes by reason of such
her staye as it would have done had shee proceeded on the voyage
according to agreement And further hee cannot depose/

To 8th hee saith that of his this deponents knowledge severall Merchants
of Dartmouth (in the tyme the sayd shipp soe stayed there in expectation
of receaving ladeing from the sayd Bowtill and Jagoe according to agreement
did offer the sayd Thomas Marriott (who as by the sayd Nathaniell
Marriott entrusted with the sole management and ordering of the sayd
shipp) to take the sayd shipp to freight of him to goe upon other voyages,
wherein (as hee verily beleeveth) the sayd Nathaniell Marriott might
have made as much profitt for the freight of her, as hee was to have
had of the sayd Bowtill and Jagoe And further hee cannot depose

To the 9th hee saith that the arlate Nathaniel Marriott by say the
sayd Bowtill and Jagoe their detayning and not imploying the sayd
shipp Aprill shower hath suffered losse and damage to a very
considerable value but what to estimate the same at hee knoweth
not And further hee cannot depose/

To the 10th hee cannot depose/

To the 11th he saith hee knoweth the sayd Bowtill and Jagoe and
saith they are as hee beleeveth subjects of this Commonwealth and
subject to the authority of this Court and further hee cannot depose/

To the last