HCA 13/71 f.389r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.389r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 12th day of September 1656./ [CENTRE HEADING]

Marriott against William Bowtill and}
Thomas Jagoe}

Examined upon a libell given in and admitted on the
behalfe of the sayd Marriott./.

dt. Mariot.


John Dracut of Lymehouse in the parish of Stepney and County
of Middlesex Mariner aged eighteene yeares or thereabouts a
wittnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth

To the first article of the sayd libell hee saith that hee hath well knowne the
arlate shipp the Aprill shower for all most those two yeares last past, and served
in her as one of her company during that tyme, and thereby knoweth that the arlate
Nathaniell Marriott during all the tyme arlate and longer was commonly
Accompted and reputed the true and sole owner and Proprietor of the sayd shipp
Aprill Shower her tackle apparrell and furniture, and soe still ought to bee
and saith hee hath credibly heard and beleeveth that the sayd Marriott about
two yeares since bought the sayd ship at dublin in Ireland of the Commissioners
for prize goods there, shee being a shipp taken formerly as a prize by the Primrose
ffrigott in service of this Commonwealth And further to this article hee cannot depose

To the 2 article of the sayd libell hee saith that hee this deponent within the
tyme arlate in the yeare 1655 was present on board the Aprill Shower in
the River of Thames and (but the certaine Moneth hee now remembreth not) and
heard the arlate William Bowtill contracte and agree with the sayd Nathaniell
Marriott on board the sayd shipp to hyre and take to freight and they did then hyre
and take to freight the sayd shipp the Aprill Shower for a voyage to bee made
from thense to dartmouth arlate and thense to other certaine ports and
places beyond the seas as Allicant (if at her arrivall there there were free
trade there to bee had betwixt the Spaniards and this Commonwealth) or else to
Civitavechia and the Island of Lypory and thense to retourne to dartmouth with
such goods as should bee there laden a board her,
, and if a good markett could not bee had at dartmouth for
the sayd goods then to carrie the same thense to London where her voyage in such
case was to end, And saith that hee alsoe well knoweth that in regard the
sayd shipp the Aprill shower had then a ladeing of goods on board her wherewith
shee was bound for Limrick in Ireland, it was to covenanted and agreed betweene
the sayd Bowtill Jagoe and Marriott, that the sayd shipp should first goe with
her lading then on board her to Limrick and there discharge the same, and
returne to darmouth in the Moneth of August 1655 there to take in such
ladeing as should bee put on board her by the sayd Bowtill and Jagoe or
their Agents, And further to this article and the Charterparty therein mentioned
and now shewed to him at his examination hee cannot depose for that hee
was not present at the signeing or sealeing of the sayd Charterparty

To the third fowerth and fifth articles of the sayd libell hee saith
that those things being thus transacted betwixt the sayd Bowtill Jagoe
and Marriott the sayd shipp the Aprill Shower sett sayle with the sayd goods
shee had on board her for Limrick in Ireland where shee safely arrived
and discharged there her sayd ladeing and thense returned to dartmouth
about the two and twentith day of August 1655 with intente there to
take in such goods as should bee laden aboard her by the sayd Bowtill and
Jagoe and transport them according to agreement formerly made, and
was there then ready prepared to have undertaken and gone the sayd
voyage soe agreed upon, And saith that upon the sayd shipp the Aprill
Shower her arrivall at dartmouth Thomas Marriott the father of the sayd
Nathaniell Marriott went on shoare and (as hee declared
after his returne on board before this deponent and others of the sayd shipps company)