HCA 13/71 f.348v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.348v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 6th hee saith saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot neare
fully answere to this Interrogatorie nor knowing of any threatining
speeches to the effect interrogate given by any of the shipps company to
any of the labourers imployed about unladeing her now knowing any
thing of any billett throwne by any of them at the sayd labourers

William huggerie [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 21st of August [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined on the sayd allegation./


Voide for that hee was
sworne only as a party
principall and not as
a wittnesse/


Henry Turpin of Wapping in the parish of Whitechappell
and County of Middlesex Mariner aged thirty two yeares or
thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and examined saith and deposeth
as followeth videlicet./

To the first article of the allegation hee saith hee well knoweth being one
of the shipps Company and a Masters Mate of her the voyage in question
that the arlate huggerley and Company Mariners of the Edward and John did
enter into whole pay for their service aboard the sayd shipp the second day
of June 1656 and did continue and serve aboard her till the two and
twentith of July 1656 during all which tyme they did such service aboard
as was required for Mariner to doe and as the arlate Tottey commanded
then saving that the shipp being returned with her ladeing from the Barbadoes
having delivered a lighter full thereof at Woollwich on the 23th of June 1656
and afterwards goeing with the sayd shipp and the rest of her ladeing [?to GUTTER]
and having there discovering that some goods on board were dammaged the sayd
huggerey at Greenwich on the 27th day of the sayd month of June [?(there GUTTER]
being then a lighter lying to receive goods from on board the sayd shipp) did [?on GUTTER]
behalfe of himselfe and the rest of the sayd shipps Company tell the sayd
Captaines Totty that they did discover some goods to bee dammaged and therefore
desyred that before any more goods were unladen a survey might bee made [?by GUTTER]
order of the Trinity house that soe it might appeare by what meanes the
dammage come but the sayd Tottey answered that the shipp must bee
unladen and what dammage was the Company must beare and would
not then cause any survey to bee made whereupon the sayd shipps
Company did for the present denye to worke upon the delivery of the
goods out of her, but afterwards the sayd huggery having having
some from Trinity house to view the goods dammaged on board the
shipps company did then helpe to unlade all the ladeing of the sayd
shipp by order and Command of the sayd Totty And further to this
hee cannot depose saving hee saith that after the sayd 27th day of June
and before huggery did procure the sayd survey to bee made by order [?of GUTTER]