HCA 13/71 f.308r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.308r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


discontent against the sayd Master did afterwards in the sayd
shipps outward voyage speake to this deponent and tell him that hee
the sayd May would when hee arrived in India buy a Junke and
goe ashoare and leave the sayd shipp and persuaded this deponent
to goe alonge with him the sayd May and this deponent thereto replyed
if I forsake the shipp how shall I get my wages whereto the sayd
May answered if you will goe alonge with mee I will use a meanes
that yow shall not neede to feare getting your wages or the sayd May
used words to the very same effect the premisses hee deposeth for the
reasons aforesayd and saith that the paper shewed unto him at
this his examination and beginning thus, On board shipp Vine
July the 27th 1655 (soe farr as concerneth him this deponent) was
and is true and was and is subscribed by him this deponent with his
owne hand writeing And further hee cannot depose/



The same day./

Rp. 2

Daniell Harman of Lymehouse in the parish of
Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner at first Quarter
Master and since Boatswaine of the shipp the Vine of London
aged thirty seaven yeares or thereabouts a wittnes
sworne and examined saith and deposeth

That James Barker the Master of the shipp the Vine being bound with
the sayd shipp upon a voyage to the East Indies, in the sayd shipps out
ward bound voyage there happened some differences and dissention
betweene the sayd Barker the Master, and John May his cheife Mate
and Pylott, which first arose (as this deponent hath hearde and beleeveth)
for that the sayd May did demande a greater or further allowance of
wine and victualls in behalfe of the sayd shipps company than was
allowed of by the sayd Master, and alsoe about the Masters takeing from
him the sayd May a Compasse called an Asinneth Compasse, And this deponent
heard the sayd Master demand of the sayd May the sayd Asinneth Compasse and sayd if yow (meaning the sayd May) will not observe in it, or make
use of it your selfe, lett mee make use of it, whereto the sayd May answered
and sayd the Compasse was his, and hee would keepe it, or words to that
effect and the Master being thereat offended and desyrous to make use of
the sayd Compasse commanded John Swinburne his boatswaine upon
perill of looseing his wages to take the sayd Compasse out of the sayd
Mayes Cabbin and give or bring it to him the sayd Master, and the sayd
May thereupon speakeing to the sayd Boatswaine, charged him that upon
perill of looseing tenn tymes more than his wages, hee should not
meddle with the sayd Compasse, And thereupon the sayd
Master bidd the sayd May hold his tongue or else hee would strike him
a Cuff on the eare, and the sayd May replyed to the sayd Master that
if hee stuck him, hee the sayd May would strike him againe,
with which the sayd Master being displeased hee struck the sayd May and