HCA 13/71 f.291r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.291r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the twentieth hee answereth negatively, saving as aforesaid.

To the 21th negatively.

To the 22th negatively.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.

Christopher Nocke [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 20th of June 1656.

Exámined upon the foresaid allegation.

Rp. 2.

Benjamin Dimmock of Ratcliff in the county of Middlesex Mariner
aged 26 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and exámined.

To the first árticle hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth
and was masters mate of the shipp the George Bonadventure arlate
the voyage in question, and thereby alsoe knoweth that the producents
John Crampe (her commander) Major Chamberlaine and company were
and are her owners, and for such commonly accounted.

To the second article and schedule annexed hee referreth himselfe to the
said schedule, and otherwise cannot depose saving what followeth.

To the third 4 and 5th articles hee saith and deposeth that after the said
shipp had taken in most part of her outwards lading, namely
on New yeers day 1654 this deponent was shipped in this port to goe
her masters mate the said voyage, and after such his shipping namely
on the seventeenth of the same moneth there went an hundred and tenn
barrells of herrings (or thereabouts) laden aboard her, which were said to be sent by and
to be for the account of the arlate Mr George ffarington, and saith
that the said shipp having soe received her outwards lading, departed
therewith, (saving a parcell of butter and cheese which had bin laden
aboard and was seized by the officers of the Customes and taken out of
her the eighteenth of January aforesaid), and arived at Zant and there
the said Captaine [?Cranrye] and company delivered her said outwards lading
(that was carried in the said shipp) to John dobson and Richard ffarington
factors of the said George ffarington, and saith that after such discharge
and deliverie of the said goods, the said shipp by the said further order
went and sailed from Zant to the Morea, and at the Morea tooke
in a parcell of cheese and brought the same to Zant and there delivered
the same unto the said factors, and afterwards went and tooke in another
parcell of cheese at the Morea and brought that alsoe to Zant and
delivered it unto them, and all by their order, all which hee knoweth
being masters mate of the said shipp and goeing from place to place in her
and keeping a journall of the voyage, which hee hath now with him. And
otherwise cannot depose.

To the sixth árticle hee saith and deposeth that after the said shipp the
George Bonadventure had delivered out her said last lading brought from
the Morea, the said factors detained her at Zant without imployment
five monethes or thereabouts, and then sent her to the port of Argastol
in Cephalonia and sent one Thomas dobson Cape merchant or
factor in her, and ordered the said Captain [?Craneye] to followe the orders
and directions of the said Thomas dobson, as this deponent heard both
the said Captaine and Thomas dobson say, And otherwise cannot
depose, not knowing of the writing or giving the schedule arlate

To the 7th, 8th and 9th articles hee saith and deposeth that the said