HCA 13/71 f.290v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.290v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


to be made therewith into the Archipelago to lade graine and to
bring the same to Zant, as this deponent and the rest of the said shipps
company were informed and made acquainted by the said factors after the
affreightment made, which hee saith being an unfree voyage and of such
a condition as thereby the company should be liable to perpetuall slavery
under the Turkes (being taken by them) for attempting to fetch graine
out of the Grand Signiors dominions (,contrary to his express prohibition
and to carry the same into the Venetians territories, this deponent and
all the company (saving the Captaine, the Purser and the Cooper
unanim'ously withstood and refused to proceede on the sayd voyage,
and would by noe meanes goe on the same, whereupon the Purser [?went GUTTER]
ashoare and comming afterwards aboard, hee reported to this deponent and
the rest of the said refusing companie, that the Provador said
hee would make them goe, or els hee would shoote the shipp in peeces,
upon which they haled three of the Gunns fore and aft, resolving to st[?and GUTTER]
upon their defense, and not to goe that unfree voyage, upon which
absolute refusall, hee saith the said voyage tooke noe effect, And
otherwise hee canot answer saving that this deponent,
John Godden, Beniamin Dimmock, William Barber, Robert M[XXXXX]t,
John Gourden, Abraham Carr, Theadore Weekes, John Jackson,
another John Godden, Nathaniel hutchinson, Thomas Richards,
Robert Collier, henry ffoote, Richard Gallampton, William Tuff,
Austin Petty, Thomas Dikes, henry Danby, ffrancis Williams,
John Brookes, henry Richardson, Nicholas Millar, and William Ribbet
(foure and twenty in number) were the persons that soe refused to goe
the said voyage.

To the fourteenth hee saith that after the said second retourne from the
Morea to Zant, and after the said disappointment of the said voyage
into the Archipelagus, the said factors had let out the said shipp
to freight to goe for Tunis, as this deponent was informed, who with
the rest of the company were readie and willing to goe that voyage,
but who was the freighter, or what the said shipp was to carry
or what was the reason of the giving over the voyage, hee saith hee
knoweth not, And otherwise hee cannot answer.

To the fifteenth hee saith that severall of the companie (some at
one time and some at another) went and lay ashore, but who they
were by name hee saith hee doth not nowe remember, And otherwise
hee cannot answer.

To the 16th hee saith that as hee heard one John Jackson one
of the said company, being on shore at Zant fell out with and hurled stones
at and with fowle wordes reviled the foresaid factor John dobson
upon the said dobsons bidding him goe aboard. And otherwise hee
cannot depose.

To the 17th hee cannot depose.

To the 18th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition, and
cannot otherwise depose or answer.

To the 19th hee saith that the first port where the said shipp
arived in England in her homeward voyage was Plimouth, and
otherwise hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition, and
saving the same cannot answer.
