HCA 13/71 f.283v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.283v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


in a place called Robbin hoods bay about five myles from Scarborough
where shee bilged upon a Rock and further to this article hee cannot

To the 4th hee saith that notwithanding the sayd the sayd Otters shipp came to
the sayd disaster, yet the sayd Otter saved all her masts sayles yards
Anchor Cables and boate this hee knoweth for that during the tyme the
shipp Samuell and her Company remayned at Scarborough hee sawe them
brought thither in a five man Coble or fisherboate, And saith hee hath
Credibly heard that the sayd Otter alsoe saved his lading of Coles and
sold them at Robin hoods bay and alsoe the hull of his sayd shipp, but for
how much hee sold them hee knoweth not nor hath heard, And further
hee cannot depose./

To the 5th hee saith that if the sayd Otter had carried his sayd
shipp to Scarborough, as the sayd Lee did the Samuell, (which hee
might very well have done if hee had pleased) hee had in all
probabilily and likelyhood saved both her and her la goods and gotten her
repayred of such such hurt as shee did her selfe by falling fowle of
the Samuell for a smale charge, soe that what dammage happened
to the sayd Otters shipp and lading (as is evident by what hee this
deponent hath of his owne sight and knowledge deposed for truth) happened
meerely by the carelessenesse or willfullnesse of the sayd Otter and
Company and not through any default of the sayd Lee and
Company And further hee cannot depose/

To the last hee saith his foregoing deposition is true./

Repeated before Doctor Godolphin.

The marke of the sayd
Edward X Purdy [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The same day [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the sayd allegation/

Rp. 3

Andrew Page of South Shields in the County of Durham
Chirurgion aged forty yeares or thereabouts a wittness
sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that
in the moneth of September last 1656 the arlate William Lee with his
shipp the Samuell came in Company of the arlate Otter and his shipp
whereof hee the sayd Otter was master from New Castle wards, and being
come togeather to the Northward of Scarborowe Castle and the winds proveing
then contrarie videlicet being at South, and both shipps plyeing to the winde [?with GUTTER]
the Samuell standing off, and the sayd Otters shipp standing in, the
sayd Otter called and waved to the Company of the Samuell to goe to
the Leeward And the sayd Lee the Master of the Samuell thereupon [?Called GUTTER]
him who was at the helme of the Samuell presently to put the same a weather, and caused
his company to cast of the mayne sheate and mayne brace of his mayne [?XX GUTTER]
and his mayne bowling, and mayne top sayle bowling and brace in the weather [?XX GUTTER]
off his mayne yarde and brayle up the mizen sayle and hee and Company of the
Samuell did use all possible dilligence to gett cleere of the sayd Otters