HCA 13/71 f.283r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.283r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 13th day of 8:ber 1656/ [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the sayd allegation./



Edward Purdy of Yarmouth Mariner aged fiftie three yeares
or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that in the
moneth of September last past 1656 the arlate William Lee with his shipp the
Samuell and the arlate Otter with his shipp whereof hee was Master (called as hee
hath heard and beleeveth by the name of the Providence) came from Newcastle togeather
and being come both to the Northwards of Scarborough Castle and the
winde being then Contrary videlicet at the South upon or about the sixth day of the sayd
moneth of September the sayd shipp Samuell stood off, and the sayd Otters
shipp stood in, by meanes whereof they came very neere each other, whereupon
the sayd Otter waved to the Company of the Samuell to heave up and the sayd
Lee after the sayd Otters soe waveing to them to heave up did accordingly, give
Command to his shipps Company to heave up that for the Samuell might come
to Leewards of the sayd Otters shipp, and the Company of the Samuell in order to
the Command of their sayd master did brace up the helme with all speede to come to the leeward, and
braced their mayne sayle, and mayne top sayle in the winde, and brailed up their
Mizen sayle, and used all possible diligence to get
cleere of the sayd Otters shipp and to prevent doeing any dammage to the sayd Otters shipp
or receaving any dammage from her, which not withstanding the sayd Otters
shipp comming with full sayle ranne aboard the Samuell, and brake downe
the Samuells stemme and heads and brake three beames of her forecastle
and carried down her upper deck and carried forth two foote of planke
under her forechannel and did her much other hurt and dammage and
much endangered the sinking of the sayd shipp the Samuell shee being
by the meanes aforesayd made soe leakie that the sayd Lee and Company
had much a doe to keepe her a floate and for her better preservation from
sinking were forced to put her in to Scarborough (shee not being able
to endure the sea any farther) this hee deposeth of his owne sight and
knowledge being one of the Company of the shipp Samuell and helpeing to
brace and brayle her sayles as aforesayd and using his utmost endeavour
to keepe her cleere of the sayd Otters shipp, but as to the value of the
sayd dammage done to the Samuell by the meanes aforesayd hee saith hee
cannot estimate the same, And further to these articles hee cannot depose/

To the third article of the sayd allegation hee saith the sayd Otters shipp by further
running against the shipp Samuell having alsoe receaved some dammage
did not withstanding heave up towards Whitby arlate which is about
ten fower leagues distant from Scarborough and further distant from the place the Otters shipp fell fowle of the Samuell then Scarborough is whereas hee the sayd Otter might
with more ease and convenience and safety have put in to Scarborough and
might have bin there at least two or three howers before the Samuell shee the Samuell being
soe exceedingly dammaged as aforesayd, which if the Sayd Otter had done hee
had without doubt prevented that danger which afterwards befell his sayd shipp
by reason afterwards (as this deponent hath credibly heard) hee rann her on shoare