HCA 13/71 f.22r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.22r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 14th hee saith that to the best of his remembrance there could not above six
or seven baggs be layd in one tiere in the sayd shipp. And hee saith that
so many (after the instruments are placed ) may in a short tyme visit in all
houres or hee be tiered by forty four men; but as for the steeving it is
more difficult and requires much tyme in so much as some dayes not above
three baggs were or could be steeved and some tymes but one on a day
notwith standing all diligence was upon and some tymes what was done
was of necessity to be unsteeved againe . howbeit he saith some dayes ten
or twelve baggs were steeved, so as this deponents judgement about
eight baggs a day one day with another may be tiered and steeved
by the number of men interate in a shipp of the burthen aforesayd
And further saving as aforesayd he cannot depose.

To the 15th Interrogatories he saith that on the 23rd day of may interrate before master
Rich and master Bray Chownes baggs were steeved thene was not convienient
roome enough in the Thomas Bonadventure to have sayd 60. 50. or 40.
sackes of Cotton woolls without steeving of them, unlesse the same were
to be layd in the Craine way which is not usuall or ever knowne to be
done in woolls by reason of the danger of their taking water. And
he beleiveth that not above twenty baggs could then have bene safely
putt on board without steeving. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the 16th Interrogatories he saith that when the Thomas Bonadventure came
from Cyprus she could not have carryed thirty tonnes of Cotton woolls
more than were laden in her att that tyme. howbeit hee saith that after
she came to Zant there neere thirty tonnes of Currants laden on board
her in butts, which he saith because [?fezible] by heaving out the ballast
in the hatch way, and thereby making the sayd Currents to forme as
ballast, whereas the Cotton wooll would have required more roome
and would have had need of ballast to be brought safe home. And
otherwise he cannot depose.

Repeated in Court.



25th February 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]


Isaac Taylor of deptford in the county of Kent mariner aged 44.
yeares or thereabouts, sworne and examined upon the sayd
allegation saith and deposeth as followeth. videlicet

To the fourth article of the sayd allegation he saith that being by Profession a mariner
and having bene master and Commander of shipps for the fifteen years
and having made four severall voyages to Ciprus, he knoweth it expe=
rimentally to be true, That Ciprus woolls are putt in very great
baggs, much bigger than the Cotton woolls of other places, by reason whereof
they are stowed with much labour and difficulty, especially after the vessell
whereon they are laden hath receyved any considerable number of
these baggs. And by like experience he knoweth it to be true, that
forty four men in a shipp of two hundred and eighty tonnes in which
100 baggs of Cotton reeles and 400. and odde baggs of galls are
allready laden will find sufficient labour to receive on board and
steive eight baggs of those woolls a day one day with another, and
indeed judgeth, that if they stow and steeve as they ought they can
scarce possibly exceed that proportion, for he saith he hath often seene
that fifty of this deponents owne men in a shipp of larger tonnage
though they have plyed their worke with great industry have never