HCA 13/71 f.21v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.21v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 4th hee saith that the sayd steeving Instruments were of his knowledge
twice carryed on shoare after the sayd shipps returne from Scanderoone to
Ciprus, and were not brought away in the sayd shipp. And otherwise hee
cannot depose.

To the 5th he saith he never was att Ciprus saving the voyage in question.

To the 6th he saith the direct way to sayle from Salina Road in Cyprus to England
is to sayle in a direct Course to the Streights mouth. And he beleiveth
that Zant is about 15 leagues out of the way, And farther saving his
foregoeing depositions to which he referreth he cannot depose.

To the 7th hee saith that wind and weather serving the direct course from
Zant to England is directly to the Streights mouth. and he beleiveth that
Corsica is about 40 or 50 leagues out of the way. howbeit he saith that in
those seas such winds usually happen that the Course from Zant to Corsica
and so to the Streights mouth may assoone be performed as the foresayd direct
Course. And otherwise hee cánnot depose.

To the 8th he saith that to sayle from Zant to the Streights mouth, Leghorne
is as he beleiveth, ten leagues more out of the way than Corsica is; And
further he cannot depose.

To the 9th he saith that when 100 baggs of Cotton woolls are steeved in a ship
of two hundred and eighty tonnes, there cánnot be one hundred and
seventy baggs more of Cotton wools or any greater number recyved on board the sayd shipp
and steeved afterwards: but the same may be receyved on board by a
few att a tyme as the labour of steeving can be expedited. And saith that
forty four men cannot in the space of 6. 8 or 10 dayes receyve the sayd
number of baggs on board and steeve them afterwards, becáuse the
bulke and number of so many baggs would make them unexpeable to worke,
but the same may and ought to be recyved on board by a few att atyme as
the steeving goes forwards, and further saving his precedent depositions
to which he referreth he cannot depose.

To the .10th. Interrogatorie. he saith he well remembreth that Captain Hughes after
he had bene advised to stay for the Convoy by the sayd Roger ffooke and
Chowne did submitt to such advise and sayd he would stay for the Convoy.
and this he sayd on board his shipp in this deponents presence, and the
particular tyme when this happened otherwise than as aforesayd he remembreth
not. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the 11th. he saith that the galls interrate were not shott loose in the bottome of
the sayd shipp to serve in stead of ballast. but were putt up in sackes
and he is sure that they were brought in the sayd shipp to Porto Longone
in sackes. And othewise he cannot depose.

To the 12th. he saith that when Cotton wools are in steeving on board a shipp
It is the usuall way first to lay a Tier of baggs, and then to steeve in
as many more att the least, and for the most part more than are tiered
And the same Course was observed by the Company of the Thomas Bonad=
venture in lading the woolls aforesayd: And further he cannot

To the 13th he saith that when wools are steeving, It is usuall to fetch
about 20 baggs on board att a tyme. and so from tyme to tyme to fetch
and have on board so many as that the shipps Company may both be imployed
constantly in steeving that noe tyme be lost, and be also free from the
camber and trouble of so many baggs as might hinder them in their
worke. And this Course was likewise observed by the Company of the
sayd shipp the tyme and voyage in question. And otherwise
saving his foregoeing depositions he saith he cannot depose.
