HCA 13/71 f.164r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.164r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first Article of the said Allegation, hee saith, hee this deponent well
knoweth the shipp or Vessell the Levant friggat allate, And that the
arlate John haselgrave the Captaine and Commander of the said frigatt
and one Mr Lewis a Merchant of this City of London togeather with
other Marchants of the same Citie, were in the yeare 1654. arlate,
the true and Lawfull Owners of the said shipp, and of her tackle apparrell
and furniture, and for such the said hasilgrave and Company were
generally knowne and reputed. This deponent having as a Mariner sailed and
served in and aboard the said shipp two severall voiages, whereof the voiage
allate was one; and thereby coming to be well informed of the said Owners And
further cannot depose:-

To the second Article hee saith, That in or about the moneth of June .1654:
arlate the said shipp proceeded upon a voyage from this Port of London
to Genoa with Cargazoon of goods which was there safe delivered; and
that after such her discharge there, shee sett sayle for the Island of Leopora
where shee tooke in 3000. barrills of raisins. which shee brought in safety to
and discharged them at this Port of London to the allate Chownes and Companie.
This deponent as aforesaid belonging to and serving aboard the said shipp the whole
Voyage allate. And further cannot depose./

To the third Article, (to which the schedule or Charterpartie allate is pretended to be but
is not annexed at the time of his examination, hee saith hee knoweth nothing
thereof, having never seene any such Charterpartie:-/:-

To the 4th hee saith, That the said shipp proceeded, as predeposed, upon her
Voiage to Genoa, where having discharged her outwards lading, shee sayled
as aforesaid to the Island of Lepora, and there received aboard her the said
3000. barrills of raisins which the said shipp brought and discharged in
safety at this Port of London to and for the accompt of the said Chownes
and Companie, which hee knoweth for the reason predeposed.

To the 5th hee saith the said 3000. barrills of raisins were at Lepora aforesaid
Laden and putt aboard the said shipp by the arlate Abraham hopwood ffactor or agent of and for the said Chownes and Companie, this deponent
not knoweing any thing more of the contents of this article:-/

To the 6th hee saith That the said shipp the Levant friggat
would with ease
and convenience have brought five hundred barrills of Lepora fruit more
and besides the 3000. barrills aforesaid for that hee was the Voiage aforesaid
Masters mate of and in the said shipp and in that quality employed in the
stowage of the said 3000. barrills and thereby observing that there was
roome and convenience enough to have received aboard 500 barrills of
fruits over and above the barrills Laden aboard as predeposed:- /And further
hee saith hee cannot depose.-/

To the 7th hee saith, hee knoweth nothing thereof:-/

To the 8th hee saith, hee knoweth nothing thereof, but referreth himselfe to
the Acts of this Court:-

To the Last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true:/

Repeated before doctor Godolphin

Edmund Bushnell [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]