HCA 13/71 f.163v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.163v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first Interrogatorie hee answereth and saith, That hee this examinate
well knew and was passenger and was entertained upon certaine conditions
as Carpenter in and aboard the shipp the Morning Starr interrate
whereof the interrate Thomas Bennet was Master in her late voyage
from the Barbadoes, which was in or about the monethes of September
or October last past as this deponent now remembreth, And saith that on the
said shipps homewards voyage, (shee being then bound from the Barbadoes
to London) shee received much water into her hould, being in this deponents judgement
about sixe foot water, the wynd then being between south and west, shee
then being, as this deponent conceiveth in the Latitude of about 49. or 50. degrees
And further cannot depose:-

To the second Interrogatorie hee saith, That the water aforesaid did not
come into the said shipp by reason of any violent storme, but that it then
blew a hard steadie gale of wynd, which in this deponents judegement, and as hee
beleeveth occasioned the entrance of the said water, saveing that at the time
of the said casualty, the said shipp appeared to be defective by giveing way
the hoodings end from her stemm whereby the water for the most part
entred, this deponent not seeing nor observing any manner of Negligence in the
said Master and Companie, but that they used there uttmost endeavours by
pumpeing and all other possible Diligence for the said shipps preservation
at and upon the accident aforesaid, sayeing they pumped at the chaine pumpe
sometimes twice a glasse, and for the most part, kept it constantly goeing, and that
shee was freed from the said six foot water in about 6. howers pumpeing or
with fower pumpes, and that, as this deponent remembreth, shee had manie
sayle and foresayle, abroad at the time of the casualty aforesaid, And
saith, the reasons, as this deponent conceiveth that the water came not to the
said chayne pumpe were because the said shipp was then stoaked, and for
that the hole above the timbers of the said shipp was stopped by the meanes
of the water and dirt comeing in over the said shipps ballast and that
the boards being close, one upon another to the well, the water could not come
in conveniently. The premisses hee knoweth for and upon the reasons
predeposed. And further cannot depose:-/

To the third Interrogatorie hee answereth and sayth, That hee this deponent
did not see nor observe any insufficiency in the said shipp at the time of
her setting from the Barbadoes upon the Voyage interrate, but that the
goods aboard her were much damnified by the entrance of the said water
occasioned by the casualty aforesaid, and not otherwise as hee beleeveth
And saith the said shipp was forced to putt into Ireland to preserve herselfe her
ladeing and men aboard her and to stopp her leakes, and that [?some] of
said shipps ladeing w{a}s there unladen into a Lighter during the time of
her reparation, and then reladen aboard the said shipp, but knoweth not
nor heard of any of the said shipps ladeing there imbeazeled; And
further cannot Depose:-

Repeated with his precontest before doctor Godolphin:-/

Richard [?Lucos] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 18th day of Aprill .1656:-CENTRE HEADING

John haselgrave and Companie Owners of the)}
Levant friggatt against Henry Chowne Bray Chowne)}
and francis fooke. Suckley. Budd}

Examined upon an Allegation given on
the behalfe of the said hasilgrave and Company




Edmund Bushnell of Deptford in the County of
kent shipwright aged 26. yeares or thereabouts a
Wittnes sworne and examined saith as followeth videlicet