HCA 13/71 f.156v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.156v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 6th Article he saith, That to the best of this deponents judgement there was
after the lading of the said 3000. barrills roome and convenience enough for the
said shipp to have received about 300. or 400. barrills of raisins more aboard her
if the factors of the said Chowne and Companie had soe pleased, and saith that
this deponent at the time aforesaid heard the said hasilgrave say and offer to
the said hopgood, that if he; (videlicet the said hopgood) had any more goods to send
aboard the said shipp, hee should send them aboard or words to that or the
like effect. And further cannot depose:-

To the 7th article he saith hee knoweth nothing of the adjustement of accompt
for the voiage arlate, nor what remained or remaineth due to the said
hasilgrave and Companie upon the same./

To the 8th hee referreth himselfe to the Actes and proceedings of this said Court.
And further cannot depose:-/

William deeping [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same upon the Crosse Interrogatories:-/ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee answereth and saith, That as this rendent hath credibly been
informed at Lepora, Messina and the parts thereabouts twenty barrills of
raisins doe there make a Tunn, soe that 15. tunns or thereabouts in this
deponents iudgement over and obove the said 3000. barrills might have been
conveniently stowed in the said shipp the Levant friggatt betweene the deck
thereof. And further cannot depose:/

To the second hee saith, the said shipp tooke in her homeward lading at
Lepora aforesaid, where 20. barrills are accompted for a Tunn, and each
barrill estimated at one hundred waight/

To the third hee saith, That 3000. barrills of raisins were brought home
as aforesaid in the said shipp, amounting according to the Computation
aforesaid to One hundred and fiftie tunns, And saith hee knoweth not
of any goods laden or brought home in the said shipp besides the goods
laden for the accompt aforesaid./

To the 4th hee saith, That hee this rendent was as aforesaid one of the
said shipps Companie, videlicet the Chruigion, and that hee is payed
all his wage, and that hee wishesth the partie in this suite which hath most
right may obtaine:-/

Repeated before Colonel: Cock:-/

William Deeping [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day Examined upon the said Allegation

Rp. 3.us

Henry Barnes of Wapping in the parish of
Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner aged 42 yeeres
or thereabouts a Wittness sworne and examined saith as
followeth videlicet

To the first Article of the said Allegation hee saith, That in the yeare 1654
last past and monethe therein concerning the arlate John hasilgrave
and Company were commonly and generally knowne estimated and
reputed the true and lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the shipp
called the Levant friggat arlate whereof the arlate John hasilgrave
was Captaine or Commander. The premisses hee knoweth for that hee
this deponent was Boatswaine of and in the said shipp the Voiage
allate. And further cannot depose:-

To the second and third Articles of the said Allegation (the Charterpartie allate
not annexed) hee saith, That in the moneth of July 1654, the said shipp
sett saile from Gravesend with a lading of corne putt on board her by the
order of the arlate henry Chowne and Company, some of whom this deponent
saw aboard the said shipp [?whilen] shee was on her lading, and gave them
an accompt how many sackes of corne hee received, with which lading shee
arrived in safety att Genoa, and there discharged the same being about
one hundred and seaventy Tunns, which hee beleiveth was done by and in