HCA 13/71 f.156r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 156 |
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Daniel Richards | |
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2012/10/07 | |
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Edited on 13/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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The 22th Aprill 1656:
haselgrave against Chowne and}
Fowke. Suckley. Budd}
Examined upon the said Allegation
See the first in
Rp. 2us
William Deeping of the parish of Saint Nicholas Olaves
Chirurgion aged 49. years or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne
and examined saith as followeth videlicet:/
To the first Article of the said Allegation hee saith, That in the month of
October 1654. last past and for sewall months before and since. the arlate
Captaine John hasilgrave Alderman Slye, Mr Dashworth, Mr Lewis
and Companie were the true and lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the shipp
the Levant friggatt arlate and of her tackle apparrell and furniture, and for
said as such Owners the said hasilgrave and Companie were and are well knowne
and observed. The premisses hee knoweth for that he this examinate served three
severall voiages (whereof the voiage arlate was one) Chirurgion in and aboard the said shipp and thereby came
to be informed and take notice of the Owners and Propriety aforesaid and
further cannot depose.
To the second article of the said Allegation he saith, That in the yeare 1654. arlate
and before the said shipp proceeded from Gravesend the voiage arlate, which
was in the moneth of July in the same yeare, the said Captaine John Hasilgrave
and Companie sett the said shipp the Levant friggat to freight upon a voiage from
the Port of London to Genoa, [X] henry Chowne and Companie arlate which
voiage shee performed and delivered her outwards lading in safety at Genoa which hee knoweth
for that this deponent in the quality aforesaid sayled and served in the said shipp, and
hath had in his this deponents custodie the Charterpartie made for the said voiage.
And further cannot depose./
To the third (the schedule or charterpartie therein mentioned not being annexed) hee
saith hee cannot depose; this deponent not being present when the said Charterpartie was
signed, sealed or delivered by the parties arlate./
To the 4th he saith, That the said shipp having received aboard her in this port
of London her outwards ladeing proceeded therewith upon the voiage arlate to
Genoa and there discharged the same as aforesaid, and from thence sayled to the
Island of Lepora, where shee received in a ladeing consisting of three
thousand barrills of raisins for the accompt of the said henry Chowne and
Company, and brought the same in safety to this Port of London where the
same were discharged. The premisses he knoweth upon the grounds predeposed
And further cannot depose:/
To the 4th: article he saith, That immediately upon the receipt of the said
3000. barrills of raisins aboard the said shipp (which was fully accomplished
upon the 17th day of October 1654.) the arlate Mr Abraham hopgood
(who had laded the said goods as factor for the said Chowne and Companie)
being aboard the said shipp at or neere Lepora aforesaid, the said Captaine
John hasilgrave demanded of him in the hearing of this deponent and severall
others of the said shipps Companie, whether hee the said hopgood had any
more goods or merchandises to bee laden aboard the said shipp for the accompt
aforesaid, to which the said hopwood replyed, that the 3000. barrills of
raisins aforesaid was the said Marchants full complement, and that it was
all that hee had order for, or knew of to bee then laden aboard the said vessell
And saith that the said hopwood being further demanded and urged by the
said hasilgrave hee replyed that hee (videlicet the said hopgood) had not any
money of the said Merchants wherewith to buy any more goods for them
or words to like effect, and the said hopgood than desired the said
hasilgrave to sett saile with his said shipp and the goods aboard her for
London, All which the premisses this deponent heard and observed aboard the
said shipp, and saw the said hopgood then also deliver the dispatches to the
said haselgrave in order to his said voiage, requiring him to sett saile with
the first convenience of wind, which was the very next day being the
18th day of October aforesaid accordingly performed And further hee cannot depose.