HCA 13/71 f.110r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 110 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 27/10/2012 | |
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IMAGE: P1080977.JPG | |
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Jill Wilcox | |
First transcribed | |
2012/10/27 | |
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Edited on 16/01/2013, on 01/05/2014 and on 03/11/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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and Captaine ffarlowe but in regard of the sayd Carnbies prosecution
of him the sayd Turner touching the sayd Gold, hee the sayd Turner to avoide
the sayd prosecution was of this deponents knowledge forced to loose his sayd imployment and to shipp
himselfe in the sayd shipp belonging to Bristoll, and this deponent
knoweth that hee the sayd Turner agreed to pay for his passage in the sayd
Bristow shipp, but for how much hee remembreth not, soo hee beleeveth
the arlate Roger dixon is by reason of the sayd Carnabies prosecution
of the sayd Turner in manner aforesayd dammified to the
value of tenn pounds sterling at the least And further to this
article hee cannot depose./
To the rest of the articles hee is not examined by direction of
the producent./
Edward Randall [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
Repeated before doctor Goldolphin
The 10th of March 1655 [CENTRE HEADING]
Travers against Burridge and Spicer}
Baker Smith}
Examined on the allegation on behalfe of the
sayd Travers./
Rp. 2 us
Thomas Bland of the parish of Saint Stephen Colemanstreete
Cittizen and Scrivener of London aged 32 yeares or thereabouts
a wittnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth as
followeth videlicet/
To the 1: 2: 3: 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th and 12th articles of
the sayd allegation hee saith that the Charterparties in the sayd 12th
articles mentoned and now shewed unto him at the tyme and this his
examination was signed sealed and delivered by the arlate William
Webber to the arlate Travers in the presense of this deponent
and his contest Thomas Nicholls his this deponents servant
whose name is alsoe subscribed thereto as a wittnes And saith
that the contents of the sayd Charterparty are true and were soe
had and done as in the same is conteyned And further to these
articles hee cannot depose./
To the 13th hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./
To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatorie hee cometh to testifie the truth in this cause
being soe required by the producent Mr Travers and saith hee
favoreth all the parties litigant alike and desyreth right may prevaile
therein and to the rest of the Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively./
Primary sources
PROB 11/325/586 Will of Thomas Bland, Scrivener of London 14 December 1667