HCA 13/71 f.109v Annotate

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March the 6th 1655/

Examination on allgation in on the behalfe of the
sayd Roger dixon./

Roger dixon against William Pyle}
Cheeke Suckley}

dt: Cheeke/

Edward Randall of the parish of Saint Katherine Coleman
London Chirurgion aged 32 yeares or thereabouts a wittnes
sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the Sixth and 7th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee well knoweth (being
upon the island of Barbados where the persons hereafter specified [XXXXed] there) that the arlate Carnabie, Turner
and divers other (which as the arlate Carnabie sayd
were of the Company of the shipp Swann arlate) arived at the Barbados,
And saith the sayd Carnabie did there of this deponents knowledge endeavour
to apprehend the arlate John Turner, and did lay fellony to his charge
for a certayne parcell of gold, pretended by by him the sayd Carnaby
to be taken by the sayd Turner at Ginney, And saith the sayd Turner
having notice thereof, did absente himselfe and retyred into the
Countrie there to avoide being taken upon the warrent which the sayd
Carnabie had procured against him, And saith that hee this deponent
did mediate with one Master Burdall a friend
of the sayd Carnabie to get the sayd Turners freedome in the Isle
of the Barbados and did offer him that in case the sayd Carnabie would
dissist from prosecuting the sayd Turner touching the sayd business
hee this deponent would in the behalfe of the sayd Turner redeliver
to the sayd Carnabie certayne gold (which as the sayd Turner told
this deponent) was the same gold which the Carnabie pretended the
sayd Turner had receaved, which notwithstanding hee saith hee knoweth
the sayd Carnabie did still prosecute the sayd Turner for the sayd
gold, and (as one Captaine Mott then Provost Marshall of the Barbados
told this deponent) did procure a warrent from the Governour of the sayd
Island to prosecute the sayd Turner as a fellon for takeing the sayd gold
whereupon the sayd Turner to avoide the prosecution of the sayd Carnabie
did of this deponents knowledge shipp him selfe in a shipp belongin to Bristoll
in England (but whether shee was bound hee knoweth not) and saith
hee beleeveth the sayd Turner never returned to the service of the arlate [dixon GUTTER]
his master And this hee
beleeveth for that hee heard his sayd Master saye soe much And further
to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 9th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee well knoweth
that the sayd Turner (at the tyme hee was soe prosecuted by the sayd
Carnabie at the Barbados touching the sayd Gold) was hyred to goe
Chirurgion in a shipp called the Hopewell of London of which was [XXXXX GUTTER]
[?and GUTTER]


Primary sources



PROB 11/266/410 Will of Edward Randall 05 August 1657