HCA 13/70 f.99r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 99 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/10/23 |
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Provisions Masters and Mariners Cloaths, Which the premisses
this deponent knoweth by sadd experience as being present at and aboard
the said shipp Successe at the time of the diasater predeposed. And
further cannot depose:-/
To the 4th hee saith, That the said Vessell Successe having received the blow
aforesaid, and the Master and Company thereof being in a very imminent
danger of their lives cryed out to the Company of the said shipp dove
to assist them in the preservation of their lives, but the saod doves Company
sailed away leaving this deponent and Company to the mercie of the Seas, not
answereing anything at all to the cries or complaints aforesaid, they con=
ceiving. as this deonent in Conscience beleevet, that the saod Successes
Company must of necessitie bee drowned and perish in the Sea, and that
by that meanes no discovery might be made of the injury by them done
as aforesaid. The premisses hee deposeth upon the precedent grounds And
further cannot depose:-/
To the 5th hee saith, That presently after the said disaster, the arlate david
Adamson the Master and Company of the said Vessell Successe gott into their
boate for the preservation of their lives, and continued in the same about three
howres without any provisions and then by Gods providence they mett with a hoy
or Vessell bound for NewCastle, which received them aboard and brought them
to Newcastle, Which hee well knoweth upon the grounds predeposed:- And further
cannot depose:-/
To the 6th hee saith, That the said Master and Companie of the Successe arrived
at NewCastle after the losse of their said shipp upon or about the 10th or 11th of
August 1654:- where they found the said Vessell the dove, and according to the
credible report of the said Adamson the Master of the Successe and of Andrew
Chrissi his precontest, the Master of the said Vessell the dove was summoned and
did appeare before the Maior of New-Castle concerning the dammage done
as aforesaid, and that the said Vessell the dove was then repairing at
Newcastle for some hurt shee had received in her bowe by a mischance happened
to her in her then late Course for NewCastle, And further cannot depose?:
To the 7th hee saith, That this deponent and others of the Companie of the said
shipp Successe did at the time of the disaster aforesaid perceive and observe
that the said shipp which had done them the iniury had the resemblance of an
Angell in her head, and afterwards at Newcastle, saw and observed upon her
the same resemblance, and the picture or resemblance of a dove in her stearne
and foth in Conscience beleeve the said Vessell the dove, (Walter Cable Master)
to be one and the selfe same shipp which did the injury and dammage to the
Successe as is predeposed. And further cannot depose.
To the 8th hee saith, That the said Vessell Successe being of the burthen of about
100. tunnes, and about three yeares old and very well provided with very good
tackle and furniture was in this deponents judgement worth about 400 li
sterling and beleeveth her lading of coales aboard her at the time of her
said disaster were worth about 100 li sterling with about 5. or 6. firkins
of butter, which together with the Cloathes and necessaries of the said
Master and Company were in this deponents judgement really worth 20 li
sterling or thereabouts. And further hee saith hee cannot depose/